Chapter 6

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I woke up before the nuns would've sounded the bell. I tip toed into the bathroom as quietly as I could. I held my bloodied wrist over the sink and ran the cold water. The burning made me wince but the cold stopped the bleeding. I wrapped some toilet paper around my wrist and pulled the sleeve of my shirt over it. I pulled a hair tie out of the cabinet and secured the paper to my arm so it wouldn't unravel during the day, and crawled back in bed. 

The bell tolled and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The day dragged on for forever, I didn't talk to anyone no matter how much Rachel and Jenny attempted to start conversation. I completed my chores but did so slowly. I fell asleep in math and cried in bible study. 

When art came I was too exhausted to do much. My sadness was crippling, I didn't look at anybody and I didn't even respond when sister Liza said good afternoon.

 About half way into class, after sitting at my table alone doing nothing, I went up to her and told her I wasn't up for class today. She was just about to respond but I was already turning away. As I took a step away she grabbed my wrist. The one my dad had so furiously attacked. I winced as she gripped it. 

She let go with her jaw dropped. "Oh I'm sorry dear... I didn't mean to hurt y-.... Wait a minute, why did that hurt? I barely touched you." I shrank from her in fear. She analyzed my face obviously knowing something was wrong. 

She looked at me and walked towards the door that led to the orphanage's garden. I watched her, puzzled as she pulled out her keys. She turned the lock and waved me over. My stomach flip flopped leaving me nauseous. 

As we stepped outside I was blinded by golden light. I winced at the brightness and covered y eyes with my unscathed hand. We were silent for a few minutes as we walked along a pebble path. Violet, crimson red, gold, yellow, pink and even some orange flowers lined the path. I kept my gaze on my worn out sneakers and Sister Liza looked around, taking in the nature. 

" So," She said in and expecting tone, " are you going to tell me what's up?". My head spun, trying to find something to say. 

"Um, I don't know what to say... I guess I'm just sad." I didn't look at her and kept my tone soft and low.

She stopped at an old oak tree that was a vibrant emerald. She plopped herself underneath the tree and rested her back against the trunk. I sat across from her cross legged and uncomfortable. She stared at me for a while. 

"You need to tell me the truth Anna Lee. It is a sin to lie, and you know what happens to sinners." She paused for moment, " I just really care for you, and I know something is wrong." 

I breathed deeply inhaled and exhaled shakily. I thought maybe it was time to tell the truth. I rolled up my sleeve revealing the stained toilet paper. I did not look at her, I just waited for her response. She took my wrist gently and removed the toilet paper to examine the abrasions. She paused again after returning my hand to my lap. 

"Why sweet heart?" She asked concern tainting her voice beyond recognition. 

" This is gonna sound weird Liza..." Tears filled my eyes. " I didn't do it." 

" Someone else did this?" Her voice twinged with anger, "Who was it, I will have them arrested immediately!"

"NO!" I shouted. "It wasn't anyone that you could arrest..." My voice grew quiet. "It was my dad."

Her face grew pale and her brow furrowed. "I don't understand Anna Lee... Your father has been dead for almost 4 years. That's not possible."

"I told you, you wouldn't believe me!" I became furious. How could Rachel and Jenny understand but Sister Liza couldn't? I took a deep breath. 

"You know my dreams?"


"There not just dreams."

. . .

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