Chapter 15

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For the next week or so I relied strictly on breathing exercises and wishes that I'd see him again. The breathing helped when I felt anxious and everything, but pain struck every time the bell tolled 5:00. I'd go back into my room hoping he'd be sitting there waiting for me with his big baby grin and notebook. But he wasn't there, so I'd find myself slinking into bed, tears welling up, face getting hot, heart shattering every moment until I fell asleep. But even then the heartbreak didn't stop. 

* * * 

I sat on an old bench. The ocean sprawled in a gorgeous blue slowly being painted with the sunset reflections. The wind whispered secrets softly into my body, leaving little goose bumps across my arms and legs. The sound of the water pulsating onto the shore and then back out into the open again was soothing. I sat alone there for quite a while... When tears began to fall is when I felt a presence there with me... 

I looked up from my palms and saw my mother and father. They stood side by side, hand in hand looking down on me. They said nothing, and did not move a muscle. Their eyes were charcoal, cold and glossed with hatred. My heart raced, I knew any minute now that something was going to happen, that I'd have to clean and hide everything in the morning. The longer I waited the angrier I got until I lashed out,

"You want to hurt me?! DO IT" I hissed, " I DON"T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE!" My voice cracked because of how loud I was screaming and how hard I was fighting the tears. 


As soon as the words left my mouth I felt a hand on my shoulder and a sudden calm... I looked to my parents direction and they were still there, like statues, it wasn't one of them touching me.... I looked to my right and saw him. That familiar ocean blue staring into my own eyes, a half smile on his face... "You need to calm down, breathe." His voice was soothing. I took a couple of breaths. 

"Now, tell them what you need to tell them. You need to take this opportunity, this is the only one you get." He stared into my eyes with a steady gaze. Tears welled in my eyes and strolled down my cheeks. I nodded and began to speak with my parents. He stood next to me the whole time, urging and supporting me... Soon their eyes turned to dad's normal crystal blue, and mom's hazel green. I felt a sense of calmness, like we might be sitting around the table just having a conversation. 

Granted I was pouring my heart out to them in an emotional outburst, I was still calm deep inside. For once I woke up not feeling empty and confused... I felt content and comfortable.  

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