Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.) I'm blaming the sneaky garden gnomes

"Mom! Where did you put my pencils?" I yelled from my door. A few seconds later she threw my lead pencils into the pile of school supplies. I have been up for three hours now, and still haven't got anything finished. The most I have done is sort out which binder is for which subject. I sighed and leaned against my bed.

"You look frustrated." A familiar voice called out.

"I am. I have no motivation what so ever to finish the task at hand." I complained. Scott lowered himself beside me. "Do you need help?" He asked. I nodded in response.

We put paper in all of my binders, as well as dividers. I put four pencils and two pens, one red and one black, in each binder as well. "Where is your bag?" Scott asked. I shrugged. "In my closet I think." He stood up and walked into my closet. A few moments later he came back with my pastel blue colored Roxy bag. "This one?" He asked. I nodded. We packed everything inside of the bag neatly.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled. "No problem." He checked the time on his iPhone. "We still have thirty minutes left until orientation. What do you want to do?" He asked. "Can we just lay down?" I said. He lifted me up and laid me on the bed. He grabbed the black throw blanket off of my desk chair, then laid next to me while covering us up.

"What do you think Prickle Pants is thinking?" I asked quietly. We watched the hedgehog for a moment. He was rolling around his cage, then when he hit the wall he would lay flat on his stomach before rolling again. "That he is invincible. Until he hits a wall. Then he thinks to himself I need to shed a few pounds. All this rolling wares me out." He said the hedgehog's thoughts in a crappy little girl voice. I laughed.

"Are you laughing at me?" He asked. I nodded. He went cross-eyed then talked in a fake hick accent,"Now Mrs. Ross, It ain't nice to laugh at people. Haven't your parents taught you manners?" I laughed harder at this.

"Stop you aren't helping!" I cried out. "You need help? With what?" He asked in the same accent. "To be quiet and stop laughing at you!" He then smirked. "Oh then let me help." He leaned into me and kissed me lightly. He rolled over and straddled me, while my hands held onto his neck. "Ew stop." Carly's voice broke the moment.

"One moment." I said before kissing him one last time. He grunted when I pulled away, but soon got over it. "We have ten minutes." Carly spoke. I grabbed my bag. "Let's go then." We walked outside. "Who's riding with who?" Carly asked. She looked down at mine and Scotts entwined hands. "Why did I ask. Don't have to much fun during the ride." She smiled.

"No promises." Scott said. I just rolled my eyes and entered the black Avalanche.


"As I had said before, welcome back students. Your agendas and schedules are on the tables. You are dismissed." Principle Brady said. Like a herd of cows, everyone ran into the hallway to find their things. I found Scott's things, and then Carly's.

I found Carly looking around. "I found yours." I said handing her her schedule and agenda. "Thanks. Scott has yours." I walked around trying to find Scott. I found him. He was with his football friends. "I found your things." I said while holding it out for him. He smiled and traded me for my things. His arm found its way around my waist.

"The happy couple remains! How are you Ashi?" Todd asked. "I'm great. Actually greater than great. How are you?" I replied. "The same as usual, just a little bit more excited." He said. Spencer, Scott's best friend grabbed me and Scott into a bear hug.

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