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6 minutes 42 seconds

"Doctor do something!" I'm banging on the transparent walls surrounding me, which bounce me back and onto the floor.

Then, out of nowhere, people drop from the ceiling, landing perfectly on the ground. The terrifying aspect: they are heavily armed. Guns that not of this world are in their arms, grenades on their belts, and chains hanging from their necks.

"Meet my henchmen." I look at them, I see Erin, as well as James, Zelda, and Jenny. "Attack," Datub spits out harshly.

6 minutes 33 seconds

"Wait, hold on please!" The Doctor fearfully says, standing his ground. "I can help you, please let me help!"

"Now why would I do that?" Datub cocks his head to the right, smirking.

"Just please, let Chloe go." His gaze meets mine, I see his face fill with worry as he sees the fear in my eyes.

"I have a better plan," Datub bolts his eyes to me, "kill the girl." He smirks evilly.

"NO!" The Doctor screams, but it's too late, the guns are firing at me.

I stand, waiting for death, clenching my eyes shut.

6 minutes

But nothing happens, no bullets hit me. I open my eyes to see the bullets frozen, in mid air.

I see the Doctor standing with relief and curiosity all over his face. Datub is giving me the glare of death.

"Congratulations, somehow you managed to prevent from getting killed. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

5 minutes 43 seconds

Then, the light appears behind Datub. Its glow is blinding. The light encompasses around the people Datub is controlling. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Doctor run to where the keypad.

"You see, with this light I harness power, enough to spare my life when I destroy this world. I shall live, and you will all die."

5 minutes 22 seconds

Time seems to be moving faster.

4 minutes 19 seconds

Actually, it is. Or at least the countdown is.

3 minutes 57 seconds

How is it possible?

"There's just one problem Datublishopquidop, me." The Doctor says.

Datub turns around, the light ceasing.

"Once I press this button, I set an irreversible disintegration self destruct, set for the same time as your countdown."

"You'll never survive!" Datub seethes.

"Oh yes Chloe and I will, because this can't be possible, that light is not real." The Doctor gazes into my eyes, I nod my head.

I begin to think, wish. I start feeling the vortex activating. I hear the ringing, and the pain hits me hard. My knees give way and I fall onto them, clenching my head. I'm wishing for the Tardis.

I clench my eyes as I hear that wonderful sound fills the area. I think harder, making sure it fully comes. I stop hearing the noise of the Tardis, and the ringing is all I hear. So I stop thinking, stop wishing.

I open my eyes, let go of my head, and rise from the ground.

2 minutes

The Doctor aims the sonic at my small prison and the clear, blue walls rise. I run to the Tardis, as does the Doctor.

I take one last look at Datub and the clock. The room starts shaking, crumbling.

1 minute 34 seconds

Like I said, time is racing.

"Don't think this is the end Doctor." Datub says his name with a vile tone.

56 seconds

The Doctor stares at him, anger in his eyes.

Bits of the ceiling start to fall, and an alarm starts, a red flashing light begins blinking.

24 seconds

I open the Tardis doors, "Come on Doctor, we have to go!"

17 seconds

He doesn't budge, he just stares with the hate filled look.

13 seconds

"Doctor now!"









He moves and we enter the Tardis swiftly, slamming the doors and escaping.





I knew now that they were all dead, possibly even the planet.

"Doctor, is the planet gone?"

He hesitated a little. "Most of it. The crust is there, but the inner core isn't. Give it a few hundred years and the planet well explode."

"But all those people..."

"Don't worry," he comforts me, coming closer to my spot at the doors, lightly touching my shoulders, then arms, "They will all be gone by then, I'll make sure of it."

I close my eyes and sigh in relief.

Neither of us speak for a moment. We stand in silene as we-I think-orbit around the planet, or randomly in space. Then silence is broken as the Doctor takes his hands off of my arms, "Where to now?"

"Home, I want to go back and visits London."


Hope you like this update, I tried making it longer. Sorry for misspells and incorrect grammar :-(


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