Chapter 5 Askes new found friend

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"soo aske?" Haneul said nudging me I didn't answer... I couldn't look him in the eyes after I ran into the oranges like an idiot, not to mention he wasn't bad looking. He was tall and slender had long black hair,glasses,clear skin,narrow eyes and a bright smile only problem he was annoying me. I walked into other Isles to avoid him and his nudges but he followed me popping up at the other end and stepping in front of me each time with the same greeting "hi Ms. need any help today?".It was a cute tactic but I honestly just wanted to continue shopping without anymore embarrassments "come’on I just want to talk to you" he said now walking alongside me.I let out a long sigh then
stop walking and looked up at him "fine what do you want?" he paused for a moment tapped his chin then looked at me  with a smirk and started to walk closer to me. I backed up each time he got near but he took two steps forward as I stepped back so he was constantly in my space. I felt my heart start to pound as he got closer to me my back hit against one of the shelves “great I'm screwed” I thought to myself. He put a hand on the side of my head our faces now centimeters away from each other. He leaned in and got close to my ear and whispered "that number please". I felt enraged and grabbed the pack of frosted donuts next to me on the shelve then hit him in the head with it. His glasses go flying across the isles and he stumbles back then looks up at me smiling. That smile just enraged me I wanted to hit him again "WHAT ARE FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT YOU IDIOT!?!!" I scream knowing my face is completely red now I pull my hoodie up over my head and run out the isle and soon after the store with my basket still in hand. "stupid stupid stupid" I mumbled as I make my way home to rae and jas "HEY!!" I heard his stupid yet amusing voice scream from behind me I look back and he blew kiss to me the frosting still on his face and with that same stupid smile. "see you tomorrow my beloved Aske~" I scoffed at him and stuck my tongue out running back to the house. Once I got close to home Rae stuck her head out the window and waved "hey what took you so long I've been waiting ya bum" I run inside up into the house flopping on the couch and hide my face in a pillow screaming into it. Jas and Rae ran over to me poking my head in unison "what's wrong? what happened?!!?" I just looked up at them and poked out my lip like a little kid. the both of them looked at each other than smirked "who is he?" they know how I get when I'm around guys it's funny to them. Rae made me sit up and took the pillow from my face poking my cheeks. Jas put her hand on my forehead and started making these weird noises she literally sounded like a vacuum "ah it's a ...asian guy..erm black hair...glasses.. yup yup our little Aske has a boyfriend" my eyes widened "yo how did u-?" "he's outside" jas said pointing outside the window and smirked. I ran to the window then peeked my head outside to see haneul with flowers and frosting still on his face. "miss me ?" he said with a wink

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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