Chapter Ten- Don't be afraid of the Dark

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"D- Dark... I- Please, get off of me," Jack stuttered, body shaking beneath his force.

Dark grinned, the motion dripped lust, and leaned in closer to Jack. "Is that really what you want?"he asked, teasingly.

Dark slid his hand beneath Jack's shirt, making Jack squeak. The sound made Dark's stomach flutter, the space between his thighs growing hotter. He could feel Jack getting harder, and it drove Dark mad with lust. He bit Jack's bottom lip gently, feeling him moan against his lips.

"S- stop, Mark," Jack gasped.

Dark sat up, a snarl on his lips. "Mark?" he spit, fingers twitching with rage. "Mark isn't with us, at the moment, Jackaboy," Dark hissed, wrapping his hand around Jack's throat again. "I can do anything I want... to you. Would you like that, Jack? Would you like to experience every filthy thought Mark has ever had?" Dark growled, thrusting his hips against Jack's bulge. Jack moaned out of habit, a tear of fear rolling down his cheek. Dark leaned down, licking away the salty tear. He moved his lips up to Jack's small ears, and whispered, "I can be more fun than Mark. Just don't be afraid of the dark."

But Jack was. Helplessly afraid of the dark. Yes, he was aroused, but only because a gorgeous man was straddling him. The man he loved, and desperately needed to hold at the moment. But he wasn't here. His mind had been taken over by this... thing pinning Jack down. A monster.

"You're a monster," Jack whispered, squeezing his teary eyes shut.

Dark growled in his ear, "You're favorite nightmare."

Jack moaned as Dark thrust against him, laughing wickedly in his ear. He couldn't fight the emotions he was feeling. His fingers curled in the sheets, biting his bottom lip so hard it began to bleed. Dark noticed, and instantly closed his lips around Jack's. Jack opened his eyes in shock, feeling Dark's tongue dances around his, running over the small cut on his lip. Dark moaned against his lips, one of his hands running through Jack's mess of green. Jack placed his hands against Dark's chest, and shoved him off with all his strength.

Dark fell back in shock. He lay back on the bed, grinning proudly at the ceiling. Jack had fight in him. He loved that about him. He heard the bedroom door open, as Jack bolted out, and down the hall. Jack rushed to the front door, his shaky hands making it almost impossible to unlock the door. Finally, he got it open, and threw back the door, fresh early morning air hitting his sweaty body. He screamed, black eyes staring back at him. Dark stood outside the door, grinning cruelly.

"Where do you think you're going, darling?" Dark mocked, stepping inside, closing the front door behind him.

Jack was already running before Dark finished his sentence, heading for the back door to the backyard. Dark vanished from where he stood, reappearing against the glass doors. Jack skidded to a stop inches from Dark, swinging instinctively. His fist connected hard against Dark's chin, managing to make him buckle down to one knee. Dark stared at the ground, surprised when he felt blood trickle from his lip. Anger sprouted from inside, burning throughout his body. Jack threw open the sliding glass door, and bolted across the yard.

"Jack! Come back here!" Dark roared, stalking across the yard. "You can't escape me!"

Jack didn't stop, and made it to the side gate. Unsurprisingly, Dark stood on the other side of the gate, a blood dripping snarl on his face. Jack didn't have time to react before Dark had his hand around his throat, dangling him a foot off the ground. Jack clawed at his arms, gasping for breath. Dark slammed Jack's back against the house, growling viciously in his face.

"You will be punished for hitting me, Jack! I recommend you behave, little boy," Dark snapped, breathing heavily in anguish.

"Fuck... you," Jack coughed, straining from the lack of oxygen.

Dark clenched his fist, shaking in rage. Usually, he would not hesitate to beat an innocent human. But this was not just any human. This was Jacksepticeye. His precious, Sean. He dropped his hand, Jack collapsing to his hands and knees panting for breath. Something inside Dark screamed at him, fighting. Burning. A sudden pain hit him, making him buckle over, a scream escaping his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in a sharp intake of breath.

Jack coughed, shaking on the cold cement. He sat back on his knees, looking over at Dark, who had suddenly collapsed. "D- Dark?" Jack whispered. For some crazy reason, he crawled over to where Dark lay, and placed a shaking hand on his shoulder. "Dark?"

Mark shifted, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him. He sat up, Jack still holding his shoulder. He looked into his beautiful blue eyes, smiling weakly. "Jack? What happened? Why am I outside?" Mark asked, confused.

"Mark?" Jack gasped, wrapping his arms tightly around him. "Oh my God!"

"Wait, why am I outside?" Mark asked, fear rising inside him.

"Well, uh..." Jack stuttered as Mark pulled him back to look into his eyes.

He rubbed his sore neck nervously, and immediately regretted the motion. Mark gasped, setting his fingers gently on the red, throbbing skin around his throat. "Oh my God! I did this, didn't I?" Mark asked, terrified.

"M- Mark, it wasn't you. It was... well..." Jack stumbled. "Wait, why do you think you did this?"

"Jack, I know I'm sick. But... I never thought I... I never thought he would hurt you."

"Dark? You know about him?"

"He is made from my darkest, and weakest thoughts. And it's not that surprising that my double personality developed its characteristics around a character my subscribers created."

Darkiplier was a character fans of Markiplier loved, and created into fan-fictions. He was the dark part of Mark. Literally, Jack thought.

"I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dark is real, and I usually have control over him, but he's been growing more powerful. I- I don't know why... And he likes you. A lot."

"Probably because you like me."

"No, it's... Jack, you need to go back home, before I... before he does something stupid," Mark said, voice shaky.

Mark was terrified for Jack's safety. He didn't want him to leave, but he knew that if he wanted to protect him, the best thing would be to send him as far from him as possible. At least until Mark got Dark back under control. He could feel Dark in his head, prodding and pulling at his thoughts.

He smiled weakly, taking Jack's hand in his. "Please, be afraid of Dark. You can't trust him..."

You can trust me, Mark. I love our little toy, Dark purred inside Mark's mind, his wicked laughter making Mark shiver.

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