Chapter Thirteen- I Won't Say It

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Jack gasped, and sat up, the sheets falling to his bare waist. He was coated in a fresh sweat, body shaking. He was hit with a nauseous feeling, a pain in his stomach. His body felt grimy with sex, hair a wild mess on his head. He looked to his side, where Dark lay curled in the sheets, snoring quietly. Jack let out a hushed breath, and shifted slowly off the bed. His cold, bare feet padded against the hardwood floor, and he quickly stood up. Jack leaned over, picking his boxers, and pants off the ground, and quickly slid them on. His stomach hurt, causing him to buckle over. He thought he was going to throw up. 

Jack forced away the feeling, and started tiptoeing to the bedroom door. Jack's hands were sweaty, making it almost impossible to turn the silver doorknob. Chills shot up Jack's spine when he felt a cold breath on the back of neck.

"Jack, where are you going?" Dark asked, in a robotic, chilling voice.

"I- I... I have to use the restroom," Jack stumbled, hand shaking against the doorknob. 

"Jack, are you lying to me?" Dark purred, turning Jack gently. so he could look into his charming, terrified blue eyes. 

"N- No! Of course not!" Jack pleaded, grabbing Dark's hands. "I- I'd n- never lie to you."

"Hmm. Good," Dark grinned, brushing his lips over Jack's. "Now come along, little toy. Lay back down," Dark said, pulling Jack along by his waistband. 

Jack didn't fight him, afraid of what he might do if he did. He wanted so badly to escape, but also wanted to stay in the comfort of Mark's bed. He only wished Mark was the one cuddling up beside him, and not this cold being possessing him. Dark wrapped his arm around Jack, purring in his ear. Jack jerked away from him, but immediately regretted in. Dark grabbed the back his neck, hissing wickedly in his face.

"What are you doing, Jackaboy?"

"Stop touching me," Jack cried, repulsed by his cold touch. 

"I will never stop touching you!" Dark growled, shoving his hand into Jack's pants. Jack squirmed, biting his lip. "And you don't want me to.


"Oh, but I love you, Jackaboy. I love touching you. I love seeing you squirm."

Jack jerked out of Dark's arms, and rolled off the side of the bed. He sprung up to his feet, but Dark was already standing before him. Dark threw Jack aside, his shoulder slamming hard against the wall. Dark walked over to him cowering in the corner of the room, and knelt over him. He brushed Jack's cheek, soaked in his tears. 

"You look so beautiful when you cry."

"Don't touch me."

"I love you."

"Fuck off."

Dark slapped Jack hard across the face, slitting his dark lips. He grabbed his chin, and smashed his lips aggressively against Jack's bleeding lips. 

"Say it. Say you love me, too," Dark hissed against Jack's sore mouth.

"Fuck you."

Dark grabbed Jack's shoulder, squeezing it hard until he could feel the bones crushing. Jack screamed out in pain, clawing at Dark's arms. 

"Say it!"

"I won't say it. Ever. I don't love you, Darkiplier. You are a nightmare. I want Mark back!" Jack growled, grimacing in pain.

Dark lifted Jack off the ground, pinning him up against the wall. "You will say it. You will scream it," Dark hissed, licking Jack's neck.

Jack shivered beneath his touch, body quivering in fear. "I want Mark," Jack whispered.

"He's gone. He's never coming back."

Sorry for the crappy update, having a bit of writer's block. But, hey, I updated. Finished my college apps faster than I thought. Love y'all, you buncha shippers.

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