Chapter Fourteen- No Escape

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Found this vid on YouTube, and thought the song would be awesome to listen to, while reading this chapter... enjoy, you little shippers ;)

Dark awoke before Jack, giving him time to secretly admire his little bean. Jack's pale skin had goosebumps all along his body, and he shook in his sleep, probably having nightmares about Dark. The thought made Dark grin with pleasure. He sat up in the bed, the late afternoon sun casting shadows across the room. They had slept through most of the day, and surprisingly, no one had tried to get a hold of either Jack, or Mark. Luckily for Dark, Mark had told the boys he wanted a little alone time with Jack for the next few days. How fun those days would be for Dark.

Dark ran his cold fingers down Jack's bare back, placing his lips gently on his shaking shoulder. Jack let out a small sigh in his sleep, the shaking seizing for a moment. Dark kissed down Jack's arm, to the tips of Jack's twitching fingers. Jack moaned in his sleep, and shifted so he lay on his back, looking up into Dark's pitch black eyes. Jack looked frightened for a moment, but decided being afraid was pointless. He shifted deeper beneath the warmth of the covers, trying to escape Dark's cold presence. 

"Are you cold, sweety?" Dark asked, legitimately concerned. 

"You're not helping," Jack mumbled.

A low growl rumbled from Dark's chest, but he cut it off, realizing that Jack was pointing out a fact. "I'll turn on the heater. It is quite cold today. Stay here, my precious," Dark purred, kissing the green hair poking out from beneath the blankets, and disappeared downstairs. 

Jack was already out the bedroom door before Dark reappeared, running and screaming down the stairs. Dark roared out in frustration and disappeared back downstairs. Jack darted for the front door, but Dark was already there. Jack turned on his heels, and ran for the kitchen. Dark appeared behind the counter, but Jack didn't stop his mission. He grabbed a knife off the rack sitting on the counter, and held it out in front of him, hands trembling so badly, he thought it might slip from his fingers. 

"Jack, don't be an idiot," Dark growled, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. 

"I'll hurt you, if I have to!" Jack threatened.

"I believe you," Dark said, and swiftly snagged the knife from Jack's hand, shoving him to the ground for good measure. Jack gasped, and burst into tears, obviously fearing for his life. "And I'll hurt you... because I want to," Dark said, a demonic look flashing over his face. 

Jack's blue eyes widened, and he scrambled to his feet, running for his life. He managed to make it to the front door. He knew it was just for Dark's demented pleasure, but he didn't care. He ran, screaming up and down the street. Dark appeared in front of him, twirling the knife around his fingers.

"You know you can't escape me, Jackaboy. Now go back in the house, and I won't have to use this," Dark warned, waving the knife at Jack. 

Jack's heart sped rapidly in his chest. Both fight and flight were stirring in his mind. He knew he had no chance at either, but he didn't give a fuck. He lunged at Dark, tackling him to the ground. Dark rolled him off, pinning his shoulders to the ground. He grabbed the knife beside them, and drove it into Jack's shoulder, cupping his hand over his mouth, so no one could hear his screams. He looked around, surprised the streets were empty. He grinned, and grabbed a handful of Jack's green hair.

"Time to go have some fun," Dark said wickedly, and transported the two of them to Mark's cellar. 

Jack groaned in pain, gripping his bleeding shoulder, as Dark stalked around him. He looked like a lion circling its prey. Jack looked up at him, with sad, puppy dog eyes. Dark stopped, studying Jack with an almost sympathetic look, but that immediately disappeared, as he let out a wicked laugh, that seemed to echo off the dark, cellar walls. Jack struggled to his feet, but was knocked back down from a blow to the side of his head. He fell to his hands and knees, his right arm collapsing beneath his weight, his shoulder feeling like it had been stabbed all over again. He screamed out in pain, vision blurred with black dots from the incredibly hard punch. Dark grabbed Jack's hair, pulling him to his feet. Jack screamed, and kicked Dark right in groin. 

"Fuck," Dark growled, but didn't lose his grip on Jack's hair. Jack shoved him back, falling back along with Dark.

Dark grabbed Jack's ankle before he scrambled away, and yanked him back to him. Jack kicked back, nailing Dark hard in the stomach. Dark growled out in frustration, and hopped to his feet, tackling Jack back to the ground. He pinned Jack down, punching him hard across the chin. Again. And again. Jack's vision was completely blurred, and his face was numb with pain. Blood soaked his swollen, cut face, smearing all along Dark's arms, and bruising knuckles. He finally stopped punching him, breathing heavily in rage, and flopped onto his butt, sitting beside Jack. Jack moaned in pain, shifting so he sat up against the cement walls. Dark gazed at him, amazing Jack hadn't blacked out. His poor little toy looked so damaged. The blood made Dark's heart stutter.

"I wouldn't have to hurt you, if you just behaved," Dark sighed, wiping at the blood smearing his knuckles. 

"Fuck you," Jack breathed, chest heaving. 

Dark bit his tongue, trying to hold in his boiling rage. "You will stay in here, until you learn some manners," Dark growled, stood up, and left, locking up the heavy duty cellar door. 

Jack stared ahead of him, his vision limited through swollen, black eyes. The numbing feeling was fading, and the pain burned his bloody skin. He couldn't wince, any movement on his face too painful to handle. He sat still, and closed his eyes, dreaming of the days when he was just sitting at home, recording videos. Dreaming of his life only a few days ago. It seemed like centuries ago. 

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