Chapter Eight- Fireworks

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Jack walk down Main Street beside Mark, soaking in the beauty of the lane lit up. It was almost time for the fireworks, one of Jack's favorite parts of Disneyland. His feet were sore from walking around all day, but he wasn't one bit tired. Mark, on the other hand, had yawned about five times in the last minute, leaning slightly against Mark as they shoved their way through the heavy crowd of people. The brute in a green, plaid flannel let the green haired boy pull him through the crowd, and was surprised that they managed to get a nice spot to view the fireworks.

Jack clapped his hands happily, eyes dazzling against the lights reflecting off of the pink castle. A smile crept over Mark's lips. He could see the tired bags growing beneath Jack's eyes, yet he remained as spunky as ever. As the announcement that the show was about to begin, everyone began to push forward. Mark gasped as they were pushed forward, pinned between bodies and white rope. Mark snarled at the impatient crowd, and looped his arm protectively around Jack's waist. Jack squirmed closer to Mark, until he stood in front of him, Mark closing both arms around him.

He smiled, cheeks burning slightly. The power of Mark's arms around his thin waist made him shiver. They were so close at the moment, Jack swore he could feel Mark's heart beating against his back. The fireworks began, a bright smile stretching across Jack's lip. The ear-to-ear smile caused Mark to bite his lip, holding in his burning affections.

"It's so beautiful," Jack said, barely loud enough for Mark to hear. Yes, Jack was often quite loud, but when faced with beauty, his voice became so quiet. Small.

"Yes, it is," Mark gushed, gazing at Jack, squeezing his waist a bit tighter in his arms.

The fireworks seized after about thirty minutes, and everyone began to exit the park. Mark and Jack strolled back down Main Street, holding hands. Jack's skin was cold, goosebumps on his arms as the chill of the night began to hit him. Mark, on the other hand, was as abnormally warm as usual, his touch spreading pleasant warm throughout Jack.

"Should we try to find Matt and Ryan?" Jack asked, looking around the thinning crowd.

"They left a few hours ago. Matthias picked them up."

"Really? Well, we can head straight home then! You look exhausted," Jack giggled as Mark yawned for the hundredth time.

"I'm fine," Mark lied. He was tired, but he wanted to keep up with Jack's hyper persona. "Come on," Mark ushered, making their way outside the park, and towards Mark's car, parked in a near by parking lot. "What do you want to do when we get home?" Mark asked, as they climbed into the car.

Today, Mark had driven his silver Kia. He pulled out the parking lot, and glanced across at Jack, waiting for him to answer. Instead of thinking of an answer, Jack was fiddling with his new bracelet, distracted by the shiny 'M'. Mark smiled, and looked back at the road in front of him. Tiredness hit Jack on the way back home. Despite his best efforts, his blue eyes drifted closed. Mark smiled, resting a hand on Jack's thigh.

When they pulled into Mark's driveway, Jack didn't stir awake, nor did Mark want him to. Jack looked absolutely precious. He quietly got out of the car, and crossed over to Jack's side. He opened up the door, and carefully undidJack's seatbelt. Then, in one easy motion, he lifted the small Irish man into his strong arms. Jack shifted in his arms, burying his face into Mark's chest.

Somehow Mark managed to open up Jack's bedroom door, and gently laid him in his unmade bed. Mark shifted the blankets around him, smiling. Jack curled deeper into the blankets, letting out a small yawn. Mark leaned down, kissing Jack's head of green, and turned to leave.

In a quick motion, despite being half asleep, Jack reached out and caught Mark's wrist. Mark stopped, and looked down into dazzling blue eyes. Even in the darkness of the room, they managed to glow. They spoke to Mark's same brown eyes. Make understood what Jack wanted, and admittedly, Mark wanted it to. He pulled back Jack's blankets, and slid into the bed, Jack shifted the blankets back around them, burying his face into the curve of Mark's neck. Mark wrapped his arms around Jack, pulling him closer against him.

"You're so warm," Jack whispered.

"Mhmm," Mark mumbled, voice muffled by Jack's hair, eyes drifting closed.

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