Chapter Eleven- Where to?

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Mark ran a shaky hand through his red mess, pushing away the dark feeling circling his thoughts. The sun had rose over the neighborhood, casting a warm glow across Mark's sweaty skin. He sat at the kitchen counter, tapping his foot restlessly against the stool. Jack was in the shower, getting ready to go home. After the incident, Mark immediately booked Jack a flight back to Ireland. As he slipped into a fresh pair of jeans, and a black tee, Jack's mind ran wild with thought. He walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his damp green hair.

"Mark, where's Chica?" Jack asked, realizing he hadn't seen her the past two days he had been there.

Mark parted his lips to answer, eyes welling with tears. His words were cut off by a sudden sob, causing Jack to run to his side, wrapping his arms around Mark's warm, shaking body. He wiggled out of Jack's arms, holding himself, and walked to the end of the counter.


"I hurt her, Jack," Mark cried, squeezing his arms. "Matt and Ryan are watching her, so I know she is safe. God, I'm such a fucking idiot!"

"Mark, it wasn't you," Jack whispered, resting his hand on Mark's shoulder. 

"But it was. I knew I wasn't in control, and I still invited you here. I hurt poor Chica... I'm a monster, Jack!"

"Mark, no you are not! I'm sure Chica is okay, and I'm okay-"

"No you aren't! Look at you!" Mark said, spinning around and motioning to Jack's neck. The skin around Jack's throat was still raw, and throbbing. "I hurt you... I never thought I would hurt you."

"Mark, it wasn't you. It was Dark."

"Dark is part of me! He exists because I'm afraid. I'm weak. I'm sick..."

Mark leaned his head against Jack's shoulder, his tears dampening the fabric. Jack ran his fingers through Mark's hair, fighting the urge to cry. He knew he had to be strong for Mark, but Jack would be leaving. No, I can't leave him alone. 

"Mark, I'm not leaving."

Mark breathed in sharply, and stood up straight, staring wide eyed at Jack. "Jack, what are you talking about?"

"I can't leave you. You need me. I can help you."

"You have to go, Jack! You're my biggest weakness... that's what makes Dark stronger... because I love you too much."

"Mark... I'm scared of leaving you... I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I won't. I promise, I will get this... him, under control. I love you, Jack," Mark whispered, turning the 'J' bracelet on his wrist.

Jack wrapped his arm around the back of Mark's neck, kissing him desperately. "I love you, too."

Jack bolted back to his room, and loaded up his clothes, while Mark sipped at his coffee. Mark, you can't keep ignoring me, Dark hissed inside Mark's thoughts. 

"Shut up," Mark mumbled aloud. So you can hear me, Dark said, laughing wickedly. Let me out, Mark.

"I'm ready!" Jack hollered, wandering back out into the kitchen area.

Mark grabbed his keys without a word, and walked to the front door, head low. He held the door open for Jack, then walked out to his car. Jack set his bag in the back seat, then hopped in the passenger seat, clicking on his seat belt.

"So, where to?" Dark purred, looking over at Jack with glistening black eyes.

Jack screamed, and reached for the car handle. Dark locked the door, and climbed over the seat, so he straddled Jack. Jack froze, breathing heavily, eyes looking everywhere but at Dark. Dark purred, brushing his cold fingers over Jack's skin, making him wince. He hated how much Jack resisted his touch, but it also made Dark more determined to win him over. He did love the little green ball as much as Mark did. Maybe even more. 

"Jack, please don't be afraid," Dark whispered, kissing Jack's cheek with the gentlest touch. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Fuck you," Jack growled. 

Dark winced at his words, biting his lip to hold back his rage. "Jack, don't try to act like you don't like me. I can feel the way your heart flutters when I touch you. You love it," Dark teased, grinding his hips against Jack's. 

Jack bit his tongue, trying to hold back the moan rising in his throat. Why did he feel this way for this monster? Jack, get a hold of yourself. 

Dark brought his lips to Jack's ear, and whispered, "Let's go back inside, beautiful.

For some reason, Jack agreed without fighting. He didn't have the strength to fight. Instead, he let the cold being pull him back inside closed doors.

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