Chapter Twenty Five- Let Go

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Dark disappeared, collapsing to the floor in the main bedroom upstairs. He grasped his bloody stomach, and quickly pulled out the kitchen knife. He let it clatter to the ground, breathing heavily as he struggled back to his feet. He stumbled against the wall, guiding himself to the bathroom. He could hear Anti downstairs, his wicked laugh echoing throughout every corner of the house. Dark slumped against the bathtub, rummaging through the cabinet beneath the sink. He pulled out a first aid kit, and grabbed some gauze, and a band-aid patch. His shaky hands reached for a towel to clean up most of the blood around the wound.

"Dark... Come out, come out, wherever you are," Anti giggled menacingly, throwing open the bedroom door.

He smiled down at the knife in the middle of the room, and picked it up, the bloody handle slippery in his icy grip. A clatter in the bathroom drew his attention away from the sharp object in his hand, a cold grin stretching over his lips. The blood smeared down his cheeks glistened wickedly against his villainous stare. He prowled across the room, green pupil dilating, fangs bared.

He slammed open the bathroom door, and let out a disappointed growl. A bloody towel lay on the floor, along with an open first aid kit. No Dark. Anti looked around the room, stepping into the bathroom. He knelt down, and grabbed the bloody towel, holding it up to his nose. He breathed in, letting the rustic smell fog his mind. He could feel Jack squirm uncomfortably, disturbed by Anti's repulsive actions. Anti grinned, and looked at his reflection. His skin was pale. Face smeared with his own blood. Eyes crazed. Perfect.

Dark stumbled against the wall of the cellar, forcing himself toward the closet of tools. He snapped off the lock, not wasting time putting in the code, and rummaged around inside. He let out a low laugh, and pulled out his favorite weapon. Anti had thrown the pistol back inside the closet, not thinking that Dark would get his hands back on it. He flipped off the safety, and slid down to sit on the floor, holding his bleeding side with his free hand.

"Dark. Where are you?" Anti called out, his voice despicable. He disappeared, appearing in the cellar.

Dark gasped, and shot in his direction. Anti vanished a millisecond before the bullet could hit him. It his the back wall, the shot echoing in the small cellar, shaking Dark's eardrums. Anti appeared in the hall, falling back in surprise. He breathed heavily, nerves twitching.

Don't get us killed, Jack hissed in Anti's head.

"Shut up," Anti growled, and got to his feet. "I have everything under control."

Bullshit. Anti brushed aside Jack's snide remark, and disappeared again. He reappeared beside Dark, and grabbed his wrist before he could aim the gun at him. Dark, swung at Anti with his free hand, but Anti caught it in midair. He twisted Dark's wrist painfully, so he was forced to release the gun. Anti shoved Dark aside, and picked up the gun. Dark got to his feet, slouching half on the wall. His dark eyes looked tired. Drained. Blood stained his t-shirt, the smell making Anti smile. It was a beastly grin, his laugh like a hungry hyena. Dark sat up, holding his sore wrist, blank expression unwavering as Anti pointed the gun at his head.

"I thought we were going to have a little more fun in control, Anti."

"We can't be in control, Dark. It's over," Anti said, voice unsteady.

"Listen to yourself, Anti. Stop lying to yourself! You want to be in control. It's what we were made for."

Anti blinked, confused by his words. Jack scrambled in his mind, pleading him to rid of the darkness.

"You know, you'll kill him."

"What?" Anti asked, snapping his attention back on Dark.

"If you shoot me, you'll be killing Mark as well. His body won't heal over like Jack's. He'll be dead. And you don't want that."

"Then how am I supposed to kill you?" Anti growled in frustration.

"You can't kill me because I don't exist. I will only leave if I don't want to stay, or Mark becomes strong enough to push me away," Dark said, a cocky smile on his face. "And I don't want to leave."

Anti fired the gun, hitting the wall right beside Dark's head. Dark jumped, eyes wide in shock. Anti pointed the gun back at him, face emotionless. He stared into Anti's eyes, searching for the love that burned for him. That burned for Mark. Nothing. It was as if all his emotion had been completely turned to ash in the burning darkness. Dark was cruel. Anti was inhuman.

"Jack?" Dark whispered, calling for any light left inside Anti.

Anti blinked, and parted his lips, hand holding the gun wavering for a second. Just as quickly as the sign of emotion came, it was gone again, replaced with his emotionless stare. Anti fired the gun again, so close to Dark, it actually cut a very thin line across his cheek, a line of blood flowing down his cheek. He winced, cheek burning under the bullets heat.

"Jack, please tell me you are still in there," Dark said through gritted teeth, looking back up at Anti.

Anti blinked, letting out a shaky sigh. His stomach twisted painfully, barely able to whisper, "Yes."

Dark stood up slowly, holding out his hands cautiously. "Anti, let go. Let Jack back in control. He's... his light is fading."

Dark rested a hand carefully on Anti's extended hand, and took the gun from him without a fight. A bloody tear sliced down Anti's cheek, but he had no reply. He didn't know what to reply with. He wanted to leave knowing Jack was safe, but with Dark in control still, he had no idea if he would be. But Jack was dying. His darkness was too strong for the poor boy.

"Let go."

Anti let out a shaky breath, and let Dark pull him into his arms, squeezing him tight with his strong arms.

"I'm scared."

"I won't hurt him, Anti. I promise. I just... I can't leave just yet."

Anti pulled back, looking deep into Dark's eyes. "Your vendetta with Mark will be the end of you."

"I know."

"Goodbye, Darkiplier."

"Goodbye, Anti. I-"

"Shh," Anti whispered, a sad smile on his face.

He closed his eyes, resting his chin on Dark's shoulder. He took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

"I'm sorry, Jack," he whispered.

Was not expecting to write this, but it just happened hahha. Btw sorry if this is a little crappy, I'm tired...

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