Chapter 15

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1 week later:

As I sat at my locker in the clubhouse taping up my wrist, a flood of emotions pulsed through my body. I am currently taping up my glove hand wrist because it has been bothering me for a few days. I have been very stressed out by the fact that Alex has not gotten a match yet and they are talking about having to do more extensive surgery that might make her recovery a long and hard battle. She was so nervous to possibly meet her mother for the first time but those nerves that could have turned into happy emotions turned into pure disappointment. Dr. Rhodes was able to hire someone to find her mother and she refused to have any contact, even after he pleaded with her. Alex doesn't know. She just thinks she hasn't been found.

I thought about her now in this clubhouse more than ever because our entire journey began here in this room. I had taped up my own shoulder and then I had looked up to see her standing there. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Now that I know her so well and know the pain she's gone through and just how big her heart is for everyone she comes in contact with, I know for a fact that I love her and always will.

"You are doing that wrong," Jackson, our current Athletic trainer walked by looking at my wrist.

I snapped out of the trance I was in and looked up at him, "yeah, you would think I would know how to tape my wrist with my girlfriend being a trainer and all," I attempted to make a joke but realized it came out rude. I was trying to be witty to keep up with Alex' infectious personality. Even through the past week that she has been stuck in the hospital, she always tries to keep me smiling. I can't help but remain happy and positive right along with her. The hardest part is being back here in the clubhouse and not being able to be there for her. I knew our hearts were connected through her television screen. Some of my most important games this season have been because I believed in her watching me.

"Well, let me do it. How is it feeling?" He asked sitting down.

"It's fine.. I just..." I started to put together a believable lie and then I felt Alex's presence and pictured her scolding me to take care of myself and to be honest, "It hurts like hell." I said looking at him.

He nodded, understanding that I was facing a million emotions. He knew the story. He knew why he had been brought in and who my girlfriend is. He taped me up in silence and then stood up. After walking away without saying anything he turned back around and spoke.

"I was out with some of the guys last night. They were telling stories about Alex. They really adore her, and without even having ever met her I can already feel just how powerful of an impact she has had on this ball club," he said and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say, "I want you to know that I am here to stay and continue her legacy for now. But I will definitely continue my journey elsewhere when she gets better. She is the heart of this place."

He then walked away looking to see if there was anyone else that needed his help. I immediately knew Alex would like this guy. I smiled.

"Jackson." I said calling him back, "Hey, if you guys go out tonight, I'll come with. These guys don't even ask me anymore because they assume I don't want to do anything besides be at the hospital or be here playing but Alex wants me to go out."

"Yeah man, even if the guys don't do anything tonight. I will go have a beer or two with you. You definitely look like you need a drink," he laughed and walked away as Jake came and sat next to me. He wasn't pitching until tomorrow and so he was just lounging around waiting to get this show on the road and to start off the second half of the season on a high note, we all wanted that. The end is near and it looks like it could be a bright one.

"KB, my man. How is our girl?" He asked.

"You know," I shrugged, "she's the same old Alex. She just may never be the same again without a transplant."

"I know her own father wasn't a close enough match, but I would like to get tested. You never know who out there could be one."

"Thanks for caring so much about her. I know you have your family and.."

"There's just something about her," he interrupted me, "She came to us at the right time and just helped us all get over the hump. And what was the coolest thing was that we all watched you two fall in love here. Then her accident happens and it just puts life in a new perspective. I see you two one day getting married and having a family just like Brittany and I. And I want her to be able to have that."

I thought about Alex as a mother and my heart felt something it never felt before. I wanted that for her too.

"Does she have a mom?" He asked as I tensed up at the reminder of the events that have been happening.

I explained to him the whole situation with her mom and how she had left her and how her she now refuses to be contacted again. He sat there listening right up until we needed to get out for batting practice. Rizzo and Baez were also listening in and both wanted to go and be tested as well. There probably isn't one person in the room that wouldn't do that for her. But I knew that it was very unlikely that any of their cells would be a match. I knew that getting her mother to see that saving Alex was a way to redeem herself was the only option there was.

When the team huddled in for a quick talk with the coaches and our usual pep talk speeches, I decided to do something. I quickly grabbed my phone and facetimed Alex. Everyone caught on to what I was doing and got quiet to surprise her.

"Kris?" She said getting ready to scold me, "Your game starts in 20 minutes get out there!"

The entire team burst out laughing and I panned my phone around the room to show her all the smiling faces that wanted to wish her to get well.

"Hey Alex," the guys chimed in like a choir. And then Riz took my phone, "see you tonight Alex," he said and then I grabbed it back shaking my head.

"Al, I was thinking maybe you'd like to say something to the team. It's our first game back after the all-star break and we need some inspiration," I smiled as she smiled back.

"Who's pitching today?" She asked and it caught me off guard.

"Johnny Boy!" Jake said into my phone looking over at Lester.

"Okay good, it's not Jake. You guys have a chance today," She shot back.

"Oooooh!" The guys chimed in with laughter and Jake smiled to himself. Their war on insults never ends.

I saw Jackson sitting in the corner watching in on our teams special moment and I waved him over.

"Alex, this right here is Jackson he's your replacement." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you," he said to her.

"Jackson!" She said knowing that he was 'her' for probably the rest of the season, "I have an idea. Why don't you give a speech. Tell them all not to be softies and to go out there and fight like hell."

The team all laughed and felt inspired just by her saying those words but Jackson realized it was his moment to be as impactful to the team as Alex was. He decided to say a few words with us all listening on, including Alex. I made sure to point my screen towards him so she could see.

"I haven't been given many chances in life to show my worth," he began, "I mean, landing a spot for a professional sports team here with you guys and this organization fell into my lap because of an accident that took this dream away from someone else. Someone who you all love and adore. It's been hard filing those shoes. Thanks Alex," he said jokingly.

I looked at Alex on the screen for a moment with tears swelling in her eyes. She was now forced to look at me as well.

"Kris! Put the screen back toward Jackson!" She said and we all laughed. Jake put his arm on my shoulder.

"But guys," Jackson continued, "Being here and seeing how big of a family this is, you just don't see that anywhere else. This team has eachother backs on the field and off and it's an honor being here with you all. So... uh I guess as Alex said it best, quit being softies. Go out there and get it."

And we went out and did just that.

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