Chapter 16

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Alex's Point of View:

Since being in the hospital for the last month, I have been visited by too many people to count. Old and current friends, some fellow Athletic trainers, many people I have been aquatinted with over the course of my short life and most importantly, the guys of the Chicago Cubs.

Aside from Kris being here for me as much as he can, he gets the occasional break when I am visited by some of his friends that he knows care about me almost as much as he does.

I personally adore Anthony and Jake more than they will ever probably know for all they have done for me and for just being such great friends. Another surprise visitor that I was so grateful to see was Kyle. He was walking again on the knee that had been completely blown out. He was an inspiration to me at a time where I am not able to do the same.

And then there were the road trips. When the guys were gone I felt alone, like I was trapped in this hospital room and would never get out. I just wanted to get this fixed and to recover. I knew my job was pretty much history and I have come to terms with it. After meeting Jackson through FaceTime and then Kris bringing him to visit me we have all become good friends. Kris and him are becoming very close.

The team is in good hands.

As I lay here tonight with the guys away in Cincinnati, I couldn't help but think about the woman who gave birth to me and then left. She had gotten the easy way out. No responsibilities, no commitment and now no giving up her bone marrow to save anyone's life. It isn't like I am important to her. She wouldn't have left me behind if I were.

At first I thought dad was hiding the fact that he may actually know where she was from me all these years. I found out that that notion was wrong. He really did have to search and hire someone to do so. And I received the news that there was no progress made in finding her. But that's not what I took from Kris' face. His face screamed anger and I recently got him to admit to me before he left that she actually had refused to see or help me in any way.

"How's my girl?" My dad said coming in with his Doctors coat and smiling up a storm. That smile would be gone if I confronted him with what I know. He is just trying to protect me and that I am grateful for.

"Dad I'm not disappointed in her. I don't care if she doesn't want anything to do with me. It's been that way my entire life. Why would I expect anything different?" I asked and he sat beside me deep in thought, "I'm ready to go on with the next option before this starts weakening my immune system or I lose my leg. I want to be able to walk down the aisle someday with my hero beside me."

A single tear streamed down his face and then he put on a tough look once again.

"I will contact Dr. Franklin," he said moving towards the door. Then he abruptly stopped in his tracks. From my angle he looked like he was in shock and then he reached out to grab whoever was blocking him and pulled them out of my view.

"Dad?" I called out in confusion. He returned after a few moments of muffled whispers coming from out in the hallway beside the door.

"I don't know how she is, but she is here. I don't know if you want to see her..." He said and my heart dropped. My mother showed up.

I thought quickly back to Kris and how determined he was to ensure that I got a transplant that would save my life and my leg. I had a feeling that something he had done or said had gotten her to come here and even though my stomach completely dropped and my heart began to beat so fast at the thought of meeting her, I wanted to get this done so that I could be there for Kris for the rest of our lives.

"I'm okay, dad," I said full of emotions.

"Beth?" He called out to her to come in. It was weird hearing him say her name. When he did speak about her to me he always says "your mother." He always wanted me to feel a connection to her because he always felt bad for the reasons she had left. He also always thought she would try to return for me but never did. He wouldn't have let it happen anyway.

Then I saw her for the first time. She walked in looking very professional. She was wearing business attire and her blonde hair that matched my own was up in a bun. She looked at me timidly not knowing what to say or how I would react.

"Thank you for changing your mind," I finally said to her, "it really means everything to me."

"I... Am sorry." She said tearing up.

"Please do not cry," I said gaining the strength and confidence to be kind and grateful to her despite her actions against me. She didn't deserve to continue to feel the pain of what she had done. I remembered that I had told Kris that I would thank my mother for leaving me with my dad. But that now felt inconsiderate as well.

"I don't know what to say," she admitted, "but I am here to get tested. I hear I'm your only chance at getting out of this mess and I want to make sure you get a lifetime more with this guy," she looked at my dad smiling "he is a true hero for raising you to be such.." She cried again feeling the pain of the past.

"Please," I said reaching my arm out to her. She came closer and I grabbed her hand, "it's all okay. Thank you for coming and being here"

I saw my dad slowly walk out of the room with tears in his eyes. I wanted Kris to be here to hear the news but something told me he already knew. Even if he won't tell me or she won't say why she changed her mind, I just feel it in my heart that Kris had played a part in this.

"Well should I follow him out and go get this done," she said sweetly holding back the tears. I noticed that she had no problem looking me in the eyes anymore. She wasn't turning away in disgust like she had when I was a baby. She was so mature now and having the time away all these years to recover and forget the past had helped her to move on. Now all those emotions and memories were flooding her thoughts and she was having a hard time getting herself to stop crying.

"Thank you," I said giving her a faint smile as she nodded and then walked quickly out of the room.

I sat there in shock. I had just met the woman who gave birth to me. She not only is beautiful and looks successful but it felt good knowing that she had gotten a second chance at life after leaving us. I don't need to show her anything but happiness. All that matters is that she is going to hopefully allow me to walk again. To do my job, to do everyday activities, to walk with my dad down the aisle someday and to walk forever through life with Kris.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. For a moment I thought it was Kris reading my mind but then I looked down to see it was Jackson. He has been calling me on the job a lot to keep me updated on injuries and everything else that has happened in my absence. If anyone has to take my job from me I'm glad it was him.

"Hey Jackson," I smiled. I was truly happy for once, not just putting up a facade.

"Someone sounds happy. What's the occasion?" He asked.

"Just something that has the potential to be good news," I responded, "anyway, what's up with the guys today?"

"Well I haven't had to do much, they are all pretty healthy today. I did have to put a band-aid on Riz though, he got a paper cut."

"Did you kiss it for him too?" I asked

"No, but is that what got Kris to fall for you? Kissing all his boo boos." He joked.

"He is out of my league, isn't he," I said laughing at my pun.

"Other way around, he is a lucky man," he said sincerely.

"Thanks, Jackson. Hey is he around at all?"

I wanted to tell the love of my life that I would soon find out if my mother was a match or not. We all knew there was over and 80% chance that she was and so my chances looked good with her being here. I also knew that if she was a match they would take me immediately in for the transplant and I would not get a chance to talk to Kris again or watch the entirety of his game on tv. I wanted him to know.

"No, Kris is up in the dugout, why? Do you need him? Is everything fine?" He sounded slightly worried.

"Could you do something for me." I asked of Jackson, and he listened to my request promising he would deliver my message to the guy he now considers one of his best friends.

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