Chapter 22

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Alex's Point of View:

When I walked up onto the field and saw my dad standing there with Kris, I got confused. I didn't know my dad was coming. He had told me he had to work. Also, they don't just let anyone down on the field unless they had a special reason. I myself had not wanted to come down here because I was tired of getting special handouts from the team just for being me. I was no longer their trainer and I knew that meant going up to my box and watching the game with the other girlfriends and wives.

I got even more confused when Kris looked over at me, said something to a woman and then took off back into the dugout and out of sight into the clubhouse.

"What was that about?" I asked Jackson as we continued to walk over to my dad. The entire team walked out of the dugout as well because they announced the singing of the national anthem.

"He's a whack job, that's all," Jackson said making me laugh.

"Hey dad," I gave him a hug, "Is this why Kris begged me to come down here? He wanted me to come see you living out one of your dreams of standing on the field?" I was actually kind of excited. My dad works harder and longer hours than anyone I know and never gives himself time off to come to events like these. I would force him to take off the rest of the games but I knew he had patients that we're counting on him at all hours of the day and he couldn't take that kind of time off. But somehow Kris had gotten him to.

I smiled to Kris as he ran back out to join us. I wanted to thank him for getting my Dad to come and for allowing him to stand out on the field. It must have made his day but I couldn't thank him because we all had to stand in silence. We all stood there on the foul line with our hands and ball caps over our hearts.

"And now Kris Bryant is going to say a few words," the announcer said immediately following the cheers from the crowd after the national anthem had ended.

I and the rest of the team all looked at Kris as he grabbed a microphone and stood out in between the pitchers mound and home plate.

"Alex, come join me," he said calling me over.

My heart began to flutter. I had a feeling I knew where this was going and I couldn't believe he was doing it in front of this many people. It now made sense how Kris got my dad to take off work.

"Cubs fans!" He said excitedly into the microphone. "Today is a special day. You are all attending a World Series game at Wrigley. That's something that has never been said in the same sentence!" The crowd erupted in cheers.

"It's a day I will never forget for the rest of my life," he continued, "Hopefully not just because I am killing it at third base and scoring some runs that will put us up 1-0 in the series. It's going to be special for me for another reason," he looked over at me who had been standing next to him shaking and already beginning to tear up.

"You are going to make me cry too," he whispered away from the microphone and wiped away a tear off of my face. I felt the rush of a spark ignite between us and I felt more in love than I have ever felt.

He grabbed my right hand in his left and held the microphone back up to his face to speak.

"Today is the day, with all of you watching that I get down on my knee," he said slowly getting down as he spoke, "and ask the love of my life...." He took a pause never once looking away from my eyes which were filled with tears getting ready to just flow out when he said his next request. He let go of my hand to pull out the ring box from his back pocket. How had I not seen him carrying it. It was massive.

"Alexandria Marie Rhodes, will you please.." He paused once more as the crowd got out of control with their cheers, "marry me?"

The box was now open revealing a huge diamond that looked more expensive than a front row seat at the World Series. I almost fainted. And then within a few seconds of his question I looked around at the crowd who were going nuts and then over at the guys near the dugout all getting ready to come mob us. Finally I looked back into his eyes and responded from the heart.

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