Chapter 14

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All Star Game:

My plan going into the game was to do exactly what Alex wanted, I was going to swing at the very first ball that came my way. It was my first at bat in the top of the first inning. I took the swing without even knowing exactly how fast the ball was coming at me and before I knew what was happening, the crowd went nuts and I was running around the bases trying to hold everything together and not show my emotions. Whatever brought Alex back to Chicago and caused her to not take any of my phone calls, it all became worth it. She was watching and she saw the home run. I was hoping she was cheering or at least smiling.

High fives and cheers erupted in the National League dugout as I returned and Rizzo picked me up off the ground. He was always way too happy but I couldn't help but smile. This was what I needed. To play baseball and have fun with my team mates, well my all-star teammates. I had just gave our team the lead and we had the momentum. I thought about how proud my dad must be in his seat and I sat on the bench waiting for my chance to get out on the field and make some plays happen.

It just so happened that the entire national league infield were all Chicago Cubs. Rizzo, Russell, Zobrist and myself had the honors of working together and using our actual team chemistry that we have had the entire season to make things happen. About halfway through, a few of us were pulled from the game to allow for a few of the other guys who weren't chosen as starters to get to play.

I sat on the bench and just waited for the game to end. We were winning 5-3 and this game meant nothing for the standings. Our actual team is what matters, we are on track to be the winners of our division this post season. I told Riz in the dugout as we watched the rest of the game that I was leaving immediately after so I could get out of here and fly home to Alex. If she ignored one more of my phone calls I will honestly go crazy.

"Go get your girl," he touched my shoulder, finally acting like the best friend that I know. He also happens to think that Alex left because of something I had done to her but it wasn't the case. I just couldn't explain to him what I didn't understand myself.

I said goodbye to my parents and took the first flight home that was available. It was the hardest and longest flight I remember being on. Never before was I so restless and eager to get off of the plane it was pure torture. I got a few stares and even a man that spoke up,

"It gets easier," he said sympathetically, "The first flight is always the hardest."

I internally laughed that one off. If only he knew how many flights I have taken during my baseball career. Too many to count. I usually have Riz sitting in front of me taking selfies and being obnoxious but It is since to just be able to relax for once. I took a deep breath and calmed down for the rest of the flight. I ended up falling asleep and being woken up when we landed at O'Hare.

I called Alex and after she still did not answer her phone I became angry. None of this made any sense to me. I didn't want to just show up at her apartment. Maybe she wouldn't answer the door or maybe she wasn't even there. It was like a wild goose chase. I settled for trying her dad one last time. Otherwise I was going to the nearest bar and ordering the most lethal drink.

"Kris," he said after a couple rings.

'Finally' I thought.

"Dr. Rhodes, I just landed in Chicago. Do you have any idea where Alex is?" I begged him for answers.

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