Thalia: so
Fletcher: so
Thalia: who's going first
Fletcher: you, obviously
Thalia: okay
Thalia: give me your phone number
Fletcher: damn
Fletcher: don't go giving it out haha but it's xxx-xxx-xxxx
Thalia: SWEET
in Fletcher's messagesunknown: can I ask a real question or
Ashton: sure if you want :)
Notification: Contact has been added: 'Babee'
Babee: so i have to know
Babee: are you Ashton FLETCHER Irwin
Fletcher: so I have to continue to tell you
Fletcher: no
Babee: damn
Fletcher: u single tho
Babee: guys always turn this game sexual ofc what do u think I am, social?
Fletcher: well don't undersell yourself
Babee: what about you
Fletcher: am I single?
Babee: ye
Fletcher: yeah
Babee: well I guess we can be pringles together then
Fletcher: can I have a picture of you
Babee: sure??
Babee: *picture sent* (a/n the pictures at the top/side)
Babee: me and my boyfriend
Babee: also don't hate I look like shit today
Fletcher: don't lie
Babee: what
Fletcher: you're really beautiful :)
Fletcher: like really, really beautiful. How can you say you look like shit? Don't say that. It's not true.
Babee: thanks
Babee: can I have a picture of you
Fletcher: not yet
Babee: you just gave a whole speech about self esteem fletchey my boy, I think you owe it to me
Fletcher: just not yet
Babee: okay okay
Fletcher: what's your family like?
Babee: normal
Fletcher: I mean describe them
Babee: oh well I have an older brother named Ethan he's a cool guy I guess he's 23 and he lives in Silicon Valley doing computer type stuff idk and then it's just me and my mom and she's like a normal Mom person idk what u want me to say
Fletcher: what about your dad
Thalia: it's my turn to ask a question
Fletcher: but you didn't finish answering the question
Thalia: and I'm not going to
Fletcher: yeah you kind of have to that's how the game works
Thalia: well don't be rude
Fletcher: it's the rules
Fletcher: Thalia
Twenty minutes later
Fletcher: babe?
Fletcher: not even gonna correct me?
Fletcher: I'm sorry
Fletcher: Thalia please
The tension rises!1! Also, if it isn't clear Thalia will be played by Maia Mitchell. How are you guys liking it so far? Please comment and let me know. Oh and also vote for my story please, I would love to see it grow a little! Thanks!
instagram • ashton irwin
Fanfiction(Note: this really needs to be edited and disclaimer I literally wrote this when I was twelve, so be warned.) banandanas: @ashtonbabee your account is so aesthetically pleasing ashtonbabee: um tysm!?!? yours is too @banandanas banandanas: I apprecia...