Tomorrow, I had to find a way to get some help at the library.
I had learned a long time ago that we couldn't always do everything ourselves, we needed help, and needed not be afraid to ask for it. I had always been a one-man kind of girl, never asking for help when I needed it. Eventually, I learned to ask for help and give it as well.All that was years before I left town.
The one person I had asked for help, the one person I believed I could trust, let me down in an unthinkable manner. Should I then still continue asking for help? What if they promised to help, and then, let me down?
I was still so lost in thought, I wasn't paying attention to where I walked and bumped into a person. I came to and realized that there were foodstuff scattered all over the ground. I had just spilled a person's shopping all over the ground.
"I'm so sorry. I-I wasn't watching where I went," I started to apologize as I bent to gather the scattered goods. A few off them had rolled farther down and I went to gather those.
"I'm really, really sorry, I–" I began to profusely apologize as I walked towards her, a few of her foodstuff gathered in my hands.
"It's not your fault," the lady in front of me replied. "It's actually my fault, I should have gotten a better bag, I was just too lazy to," she explained, giving an embarrassed chuckle. She tucked an errant strand of red hair behind her ears before raising her jade green eyes to my worried brown ones.
"Say, don't I know you from somewhere? I mean we must have met before, don't you think?" She asked, her nose scrunching up towards her drawn brows.
I shook my head 'no'. A lie, a big one.
I knew her just fine, but if I wanted the news of my arrival in town to be delayed for some time or forever, then lying was the only option."No, I don't think we've ever met. I'm new in town, and this is my first time here." In a long while.
"Are you sure? I mean your face does look familiar–" She began to ask again, her face still screwed up in that attempt to remember something.
"I'm really sure. I have to go now, and I'm sorry for spilling your shopping." I cut her off with a calm impatience. I moved past her and began the walk to my home. I didn't have to look back to know she was staring at my retreating form.
Regina Walters, or Red as she was usually called. If she was still anything like she was back in highschool days, then news of my arrival would spread before today ended, and that was something I couldn't afford to happen now. For now, I'd prefer my arrival to remain unknown, at least, until I had settled down and gotten my bearings straight.
And at any rate, there was no way one who'd encountered Regina would ever forget her. Never.
Dedication: This page is dedicated to BecomeAlive
What do you think of this chapter?We still don't know our heroine's name! And she seems to not want to reveal it.
What about Red? What do you think of her? Not much? Don't worry, we'll get to know her even more, soon! Read on.
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The Librarian, Her Lover, And Everything In-between
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