The rugs had arrived before I even got to the library. I apologized for having kept the men waiting, and quickly signed my name on the offered sheets of paper.
Those rugs were heavy. By the time I was done rolling them inside the library, I was tired and sweaty. The upside of the work, though, was that it kept my mind off of a certain someone. The downside to it? Thoughts of said person bombarded my mind the moment I finished with the rugs.The next day after the night spent at the library with Aaron, I didn't expect him to have anything to do with me. I thought it was a one-time encounter when the girl shared a nice time with the boy and after that, the moment would be forgotten, never to be spoken of again.
Imagine my surprise when, the next day, Aaron sought me out by the tree where I usually sat during break.
I'd expressed my doubts to him the moment he sat on the grass beside me, but he'd laughed it off. Deep down in my heart, I was suspicious of him.____
I got home and fell on my bed, exhausted from the days activities. It probably wasn't anything strenuous, but emotional distress and physical distress, to me, was equated to strenuous activity.
I toyed with my phone, rolling it in my palm when suddenly, I remembered that I hadn't even calked my parents ever since I got to town. Now, what kind of child was I?
I debated whether or not to call; If I decided to call, I was going to get an earful from my mother, and if I decided not to, then I was only piling up more trouble. I decided to call.
"I've heard you mum. Yes. Yes. No, I'm listening! Hmm. Hmm."
I'd been on the phone with my mum for an hour now, and my mouth was beginning to ache. As one could guess, she spent the first fifteen minutes berating me on my 'irresponsible behavior'.
"Okay, mum. I promise to always call you every day. Mmm. OK. Yes. No problem. Goodbye. Yes, mum, I remember my promise. Okay. Good

The Librarian, Her Lover, And Everything In-between
RomanceI stood with one foot pressed against one rung of the ladder that stood braced against the huge shelf, while the other foot went in search of another rung on which to balance my weight. Never again would I climb a ladder, I promised myself, but for...