I looked up from the bag in my hand that held all the things I had decided didn't need to sit on the shelf—I could find some use for them.
What had drawn me back to my surroundings was the noise I could hear from outside the room, and judging by the sound of it, Jessica and her friends had arrived. I quickly threw the remaining objects on the floor into the bag, tied it up and slung it over my shoulder.Looking at the room once more, I decided that I was done for today with it. I left to go attend to the people waiting downstairs.
"You look like those thieves we usually see in cartoons, what with the bag slung over your shoulder"
That was Jessica, and thanks to the hyper active teen, my plan to quietly sneak into the room was hideously thwarted. The noise died down immediately, and all eyes were on me in the creepy way only teens could pull off.
Why was I even trying to get playful? I was always business-like, a robot, ever since he...
No. I wasn't going there today."Says the girl dressed like Minnie mouse." Yes, Jessica was dressed like Minnie.
She smiled, and with a flourish of her hands, she announced, "We're here. So what would you have us do, milady?"
They were twenty four of them that came and two more were on their way. I assigned four of them to gather the books from the shelves and arrange them on the floor by the wall. Eight others to clean and dry the shelves. That was twelve people assigned to the main library.
Two girls swept the sitting area of the library, two others transfered the books on the floor in the library to the sitting area, I had the other eight—all boys—help the girls as possibly as they could while waiting for the other two boys. Together, all ten boys would carry each of the shelves out the library door and onto the grass that had been cut.
Satisfied with the division of labour, I gathered the bag I had earlier and left, letting the teenagers know that I was going to be back soon.
I planned on dropping the bag at home and getting them something to eat.___
There was a knock on the door. I quickly left the food I was preparing to answer the door. Where the teenagers done at the library already? I mean, I hadn't been here for all of thirty minutes. Or was it Robby?
I opened the door and came face to face with Regina Walters.
"When, Anne, did you plan on letting your friends know of your arrival in town?" Those were the first words out of her mouth. She'd finally realized who I was. "I find it painful that you lied to me about not knowing me, why did you do that?"
What do you think? Please rate the chapter. Oh! And don't forget to comment.
And Regina is back! She's also realised who Anne is. Le gasp.
Which one of you told her?
Confess your treachery!Anyway, what do you think is next? How will Anne react to this?

The Librarian, Her Lover, And Everything In-between
RomanceI stood with one foot pressed against one rung of the ladder that stood braced against the huge shelf, while the other foot went in search of another rung on which to balance my weight. Never again would I climb a ladder, I promised myself, but for...