The supplies I needed for the house were not as numerous as those needed for the library. I simply needed to stock up the fridge and cabinets in the house, all other things had been taken care of by the housekeeper.
The house—and I had to stop calling it 'the house'— had also belonged to Aunt Enny. Her son had it built for her just a few years before he died. It, along with the library, had been willed to me. In other words, I didn't have to work so hard for what I now owned, thanks to Aunt.
Still, I didn't really like things that came free, and so, I was going to work in order to build up the library to my taste. No small feat.
The supermarket, thank God, wasn't outside Fairweather. Though, it was a good walking distance from my house to it. I immediately came to the conclusion that I had to find anyone with a car who would take me home. Tough job seeing as I wasn't looking to make any friends.
The supermarket was... what you'd expect of a supermarket in a large town. I figured I could get majority of what I needed from here. I grabbed a trolley and began the dreadful act of shopping.
There were times when I loved the shopping experience, and there were times when I hated it. This time, I hated it. In front of me, a section of different types of air fresheners. I must have stayed there for ten minutes debating which brand was best, when all of a sudden–
"Choose that. It's a really nice brand. Here, try it," a voice piped up. I jumped a few feet in the air, then glared at the girl standing by my side. She couldn't have been more than seventeen years old. "Sorry," she apologized with a sheepish smile. "I didn't mean to scare you."
Liar. The growing smile on her face told me otherwise. I shook my head and took the air freshener from her outstretched hand with a bit more force than necessary. I sprayed a bit of it in the air and sniffed. And true to her word, it had a nice smell.
"So? What ya think? Nice?"
"Yes. It's really nice, I like it. Thanks."
"No problem. I knew you were having a hard time choosing," the girl replied. I smiled at her as I gathered five more cans of the air freshener. She still hadn't left.
I turned to her and frowned. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
"No. I'm waiting for you so we can shop together." She clapped her hands and hopped lightly. She seemed extremely upbeat, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with 'happy'.
"There's absolutely no need–"
"Nonsense! You seem new here and definitely don't know the best things to buy, so I've assigned myself the position of shopping alongside you, since I know what to buy and what not to buy."
I blinked at her. "Fine. You won't leave even if I asked you to, would you?"
"Nope." She popped the 'p'.
I sighed and moved on. She was right, I definitely didn't know which was best among the things I wanted to buy, what harm was there in her trailing along. I didn't have to look back to know she was close behind me.
"My name's Jessica, by the way. Jess to my friends. What's your name?"
"Anne. Anne to everyone."
Dedication: This page is dedicated to kendrawillows07
Well, hello, Jessica.
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The Librarian, Her Lover, And Everything In-between
RomanceI stood with one foot pressed against one rung of the ladder that stood braced against the huge shelf, while the other foot went in search of another rung on which to balance my weight. Never again would I climb a ladder, I promised myself, but for...