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      Dear Diary, 

             Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Nothing new is going on, it is just the same old stuff. It's Tuesday and I already want this week over. 

            So you know Jackson right. The one I like but he doesn't like me. Well I was talking to him a few days ago. And we were actually getting closer as friends and telling secrets. But then he told me he doesn't like me as a girlfriend and that we should stay friends and that he likes someone else. I asked him who, but no reply. Then I ask again and he tells me. I was so mad. 

     And actually while I'm writing this right now he is right in front of me. I just am so mad at him. It's the girl that I can't stand. But I'm not telling who because she could be reading. 

    Oh my gosh why does he keep walking behind me. He needs to just have a seat and stay there. The only reason I like him anymore is because his hair is lit. That probably sounds dumb but you know whatever lol. You should totally see it, it's blonde and brushed over to one side with just a little bit of gel. I just love- I cut myself off because I realize how much of a jerk he is. 

       But not all boys are like that. Because I have one really tight best friend that's a boy his name is Jacob. I can tell him anything and he won't care. It's the same with Leah and Mia too. Sometimes when we all hangout it looks like one of us is dating him but we aren't. He has a girlfriend but she's cool her name is Dillon. It's not even weird talking about you know.. weird stuff with him. He's almost like a girl and to be honest I trust him more than most of my friends. 

     Well we are about to switch classes gtg. 

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