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Dear Diary,

This is going to be a long one so get ready. So there is this guy named Luke. He is pretty cute and we used to go out for like 2 years. Well he just asked me out. I don't know what to say. I think I might say yes.

Lol I don't know what to do. I'm gonna say yes. OK I'm gonna text him.

Me: Hey 

Luke: Hey Wyd

Me: Nmu 

Luke: Texting this pretty girl (heart eyes emoji)

Me: haha who is it

Luke: It's you (laughing emoji)

Me: Oh (emoji that is blushing)

Luke: Ya so what have you said about me asking you out

Me: Um I think I will give you another chance

Luke: OK awesome!!!

Me: Well I have to go bye

Luke: OK talk to you later 


My phone goes off. I look. It is a snap chat from Caleb. What could he want? I open the snap chat and it says "I'm coming back next week!!!" 


I can't believe this... he is coming back my best friend he's gonna be back next week. Wait what about Luke. I can't tell him no he got all excited I'm not gonna be mean like that. Luke and Caleb absolutely hate each other. I don't want to hurt either one which one should I pick?   


I get a text from Luke asking if I want to go to the movies with him on Saturday. I reply yes. I begin to think. I mean Caleb left and hurt me. But even though last year me and Caleb went out but when we broke up it wasn't a big hard thing. He didn't want to hurt me and he didn't. But on the other hand Caleb did. So you know what I'm gonna text Caleb and tell him that when he gets back everything will be different because I'm dating Luke now. 

Me: If you come back it's all gonna be different because I'm dating Luke. 

Caleb: LUKE!!! why him?

Me: Because he didn't hurt me and right after we broke up turn around and date the girl I hate and can not stand.

Caleb: Well I'm sorry I liked her.. I'll do anything if you just date me!!

Me: Fine break up with Ellie and do it HARD and MEAN.  

Caleb: OK I really don't want to but anything for you. 

Me: OK Thanks

I get off my phone and go to do more homework. 


Oh my gosh it's Ellie. 

Ellie: Hey wth why did you make Caleb brake up with me. 

Me: Did Caleb tell you I said that?

Ellie: Yeah don't play stupid we all know you did. 

Me: Yeah I did now what are you gonna do about it

Ellie: Nothing because he is ugly anyway

Me: Well then why the heck were you dating him

Ellie: To make you mad duh...

Me: You player.. there is a reason no one likes you. 

Ellie: Shut up 

*I screen shot the text* 

I send the screen shot to Caleb. 

Caleb: I didn't tell her that you told me to. 

Me: Yes you did

Caleb: No I didn't 

Me: Well than how does she know

Caleb: I didn't tell her and plus you probably are with Leah or Mia and told them what to do them switched there contact name.

Me: OK whatever I didn't bye. 

I'm so done. With Ellie. But I know that Caleb has never been like this until Ellie came into his life. And about my life well, it is a disaster with out Caleb. He was my missing piece, other half, literally my everything. But I think Luke can turn my life around. I am actually texting him right now. He is asking about what I am doing I tell him I'm working on my Diary. He asked if he is in it I don't want to tell him but I do. 

I can't wait until Saturday. I've only been out of school for a couple hours and I already miss Luke. I am texting him and that makes me miss him even more. Oh well I'm not going to stop talking to him.

I wish that Caleb would of never moved so I wouldn't be in this spot. Well i'm still going will Luke because I think he is the better one for me right now. 

Luke is so cute and super smart. Luke is popular but he is not the average mean popular boy.  He doesn't care what you look like and he accepts you for who you are and what you look like. That is probably one of the things I like most about him. 

He has blonde kinda spiked hair that is like hecka fresh. And cute little braces on his top teeth. I think that if he reads this I'm gonna be so embarrassed but oh well. He won't care. Well I hope he doesn't anyway. I can't wait until we have out first kiss... oh that was weird. But I do. The only thing that I am worried about with him is that he doesn't really do much like hug or hold hands much. But it's OK. 

So after we broke up I'm pretty sure he still liked me....and I still liked him I thought we would be together forever but that ended... but now it had started again. I hope that he gets a little bigger though cause he's like pretty little. I shouldn't talk bad. I mean what can I say he is my boyfriend now. 

I think that we make a pretty cute couple but I really don't know. Well I have to go to bed see ya later.

                                                                       3 days later

OMG it is Saturday and time to go on my date. 

I go to my closet and pick out my favorite outfit. 

I go into the bathroom and do my hair into I really cute up do. 

I put on mascara and a little foundation. 

I wonder if I look good enough. What am I talking about it's just Luke we are practically brother and sister. 

I begin to calm down because I know that Luke probably sin't even making this a big deal. Well heck he probably not even up yet. 

                                               Luke's P.O.V

I've been up since 6:30..... it's 1:30 now. I am so worried about my date with Paige. Will she still like me? What if I am not good enough for her. I stop myself. I calm down and say to myself. It's just Paige, why am I scared we are pretty much brother sister. I go to my closet and put on some shorts and shirt. I'm not gonna bring this all out. It's just the movies. I go into the bathroom and put I tiny bit of gel in my hair and then practice my look for when I first see her-- what the heck am I thinking it is just Paige it is just Paige I repeat to myself. I know not to be nervous and think about how good tonight will be. 

                                          Back to Paige 

Tonight will be great. I can not wait. I love Luke and he is my soul mate.      


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