Chapter 8

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Insanity is relative. It depends who has who locked in what cage.

-Ray Bradbury

Third Person

   Nothing seems to be true about Assassin. She might have been considered a hero after saving Percy from execution, which he was sentenced to for a crime he didn't commit. Then she was absent, putting her in a gray area, between bad and good. And ever since then... she's been a mass murderer. The killings that have been recorded are only a small fraction of the ones committed. 

   One question coming out of these killings might simply be why. Why would these person kill innocents? Unlike Xanasos, she has no excuse for her crimes. The only way to answer this question, even just partly, is through a story that will only raise more questions.

    A long time ago, there was a man who fell in love with the moon. And the moon loved him back. The moon's name was Selene, the first goddess of the moon. Out of there love came a small child, a girl who loved night more than day and shined just as brightly as any star. She even melted the heart of Nyx, the cold goddess of night. But as all romances between god and mortal end, Selene had to leave behind her love. The  man was heartbroken, but kept it together for his child. He remarried and had another girl, named Sabrina. She was a mortal with the looks of a goddess, bright blue eyes and sunny blond hair.  The moon child loved her sister with all her heart and vowed to protect with her life. 

   As time went on, the bitterness in the mans heart grew as monsters began attacking. Why did his one true love lave him and her child defenseless against these beasts? Why could she not have stayed? Out of this bitterness came rage, and by the end of the night the mans wife lay dead, stabbed by her husband. Sabrina was rushed out by her older sister to the only place they new; the park. This was a grave mistake. A child of the moon was too strong to be ignored my any monsters in the area. A demigod rushed too the rescue, but Sabrina was already torn to shreds by an insane empous, who escaped before the demigod finished her off. She was taken to a camp for demigods such as herself, but she fled as soon as she got the chance.

   She was not alone however. Sotiras, the outcast son of Tarturus, took this girl under his care. He offered his comfort to the lone and terribly scarred girl. He taught her to fight, and showed her a brotherly love not unlike the one Luke Castellan showed Annabeth Chase. And not unlike Annabeth and Luke's , the relationship ended ended in tragedy. The two had been staying in an empty warehouse, and Sotiras went to get some food.

   He never came back.

   The girl was heartbroken. Her father turned into a maniac, killing the women she knew as a mother, her sister was torn to shreds in front of her very eyes, and the person who she fled to for comfort abandoned her, leaving her alone in an empty warehouse. She struck out on her own after days of waiting, meekly hoping Sotiras would return. Adopting the persona of Assassin, savior of the weak and abandoned, she went to save lives. 

   She never forgot the murder of her sister. An innocent, pure soul who was torn to shreds. The haunting glimpse of Sabrina's beautiful, bright blue eyes pleading for her sister to save her haunted Assassin. Assassin had vowed to protect her sister. And she had failed. She didn't even avenger her sister. So Assassin made a new vow. To bring her sister back. No matter how much blood was required to be shed.


Percy Jackson's POV

   The rest of the people in the overcrowded living room began planning on how to catch a trained killer, but I was more worried about another trained killer. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Xanasos slip away, into the kitchen. Was I going to leave her alone in their? Hell no. I had a lot of questions, and she held the answer to a lot of them.

   She was on the phone, talking in some other language rapidly. It sounded like French, which I could recognize from Piper confusing us every once in a while. Once she hung up she turned around.

   "Yes Jackson?" She asked.

   "Who are you, what are you, where did you come from, what are your tie -ins with the camps because I sure as hell haven't seen you at either, and what are your motives?"

   She smiled. "Why Jackson, aren't we getting a little personal here? I'm sorry but-"

   Before she could react, I slammed her against the wall. "I'm done playing games. I don't really trust anyone who all I know about them is that in their spare time they murder people."

   She sighed. "Reasonable excuse as any. Its a long story and very classified, so I need an oath of secrecy on the River Styx and a seat."

   "I, Perseus Jackson, swear on the River Styx to not repeat any information Xanasos is to tell me. And I allow her to sit down." She took a seat, as did I. She took a deep breath before beginning. 

Authors Note

*Hey guys! Thank you for tuning into another chapter of 'Undertaker tries to make up for not updating in a month with a longer than usual chapter'.  Sorry for ending off just as Xanasos is about to tell her back story, but its better than leaving you guys wondering what happens when Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus (Rick). And before I end off this chapter and actually go do something with my life, I have a question for you guys. On a scale of one to ten, one being terrible, ten being freaking AWESOME, how good was Assassin's backstory? Just a reminder, this isn't supposed to explain why she is a mass murderer. It's a crucial part of understanding what led Assassin to become... well, an Assassin. So, did I do a good job painting the past of a future serial killer? Leave your comments down below and I will try to update soon!

....bawahaha. Sorry, couldn't say that with a straight face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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