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We were arriving to the outskirts of New York before I called for Tony over my earpiece.
"Yo Tony Imma teleport inside stark tower, I'm going to attempt sneaking up on him," I smirked at myself. "Have Jarvis notify me when you're there."
"Got you sweetie," he answered.
"And Tony," I said threateningly. "Don't call me that or you'll regret it."
I got up and went over to prepare my weapons. Boy will this be fun.
"Mr. Stark has arrived at his tower," we heard Jarvis say in loud speaker.
"Sky, wait," I heard Captain say. "Be careful out there alright?" He hugged me.
I was taken aback slightly before hugging him back.
"No promises Capsicle," I said with a smirk. Then...
"Sky we mean it," Nat now had me wait.
I gave her a slight nod before teleporting a few feet behind a door that led to where Loki and Tony were at. I opened the door just in time to see Loki throw Tony out the door. I quickly grabbed one of my tubes and ready to attack Loki before I saw a rocket fly out, hit Loki, and go to Stark.
"Hey," Tony yelled as he was flying up. "There one more person you managed to piss off, his name was Phil."
And with that he blasted Loki before taking off.
"Sky tell me you're in there," I heard a second later over the earpiece.
"Mhm, I saw your little drama skit," I joked.
"I'll give you an autograph later," he chuckled. "watch over Loki for us please, keep him busy."
I then pressed the button that made my tube into a pole about the same size as me. I grabbed a drink from the bar and sat at a couch nearby watching Loki. At times I would look out and see the chaos outside. I really wanted to help but I knew we couldn't let Loki out of our sight. I just hoped everyone out there is fine.
"Ughhhh" i was awoken out of my thoughts by Loki's groan.
"Hey" I said as I handed him the rest of my drink. He looked at it questionably before drinking it down.
"What are you doing here?" He groaned.
"Watching you while we take down your army," I said as a retrieved the glass.
"Great," he said angrily.
"Gives me time to talk to you."
"Who said I want to talk to you?"
"No one, but you don't have a choice."
"Guys I found a way to shut down the portal" I heard Nat say over my earpiece.
"How long was I out?" Loki asked as he tried to sit up.
"Like two hours, were almost done defeating your army," I said dryly.
"I need Lokis scepter, Sky do you see it anywhere." I heard Nat once again.
I scanned the room to find the scepter, only to see it in Loki's hold.
"Give me you scepter." I commanded
"Why should I?"
"Because I say so."
"You don't order me around." He spat coldly while gripping his scepter harder.
"Then I'm sorry," I hit him hard with my pole and took the scepter from him. He was yelling at me to give it back but I teleported to Nat, handed her the scepter and went back to Loki.
"What are you doing?!" He yelled in frustration.
Stopping you before it's too late," I changed my tube back and threw it on the couch.
"Don't you get it?" He said softly, slightly breaking in his voice. "It's already to late."
"No it isn't. You can turn yourself in and the consequences will be easier on you. You can start over and have a new life. You ca-"
"I CANT DO ANYTHING!" He yelled as he got up. "HES GOING TO COME FOR ME! I had one job, to give him the tesseract in exchange of Midgard. I've failed, he's going to come for me."
"I can shut the portal up, can anyone copy?" Nats voice came in the earpiece.
"Stay put," i told Loki as I made my way outside.
"Do it!" Steve answers.
"Hold On," stark interrupts. "I got a nuke coming in and I know where to put it."
"Tony no!" I yelled, startling Loki. He came running over to me, worry in his eyes.
We watched at Tony went into the portal and directed the nuke to where the Chitari were coming from.
"Shut it," Steve said after a while of waiting. Nat then closed the portal.
I grabbed onto Loki and teleported us to where the other guys were at.
"You son of a b-" Steve walked over to Loki before I interrupt.
"Steve look!" I pointed where the portal was once at.
"Son of a gun," Steve murmured before knocking Loki out with a blow.
"He's not slowing down," I heard Thor say as he was about to take off, stopping when Hulk stopped Tony's fall.
They landed right next to us and we ran over to Tony. Thor broke his faceplate off and waited for a response. Hulk then screamed at Tony but nothing. Then it hit me.
"Thor I'm a light elf right?"
"Yes from what I've seen you do," he asked confused.
"Okay then," I breathed out uneasily. I hovered my hands over Tony's chest. I started to chant something from instinct that caused a white glow come from my hands and envelop around Tony.
Halfway through Loki started to wake up but he was already bound down to a pole nearby.
"Skylinda?!" He yelled. "No please stop!" The other stared at him with confusion and anger.
I was finishing up when Tony gasped. I partly collapsed to the floor but Steve held me back.
"Please tell me nobody kissed me." Was thing he first thing he says.
"We won" Steve commented while helping me up.
~•~Time Lapse~•~
I had finished the shawarma Tony had insisted us eating after saying he saw it while in battle. I went outside saying that I was going to check up on Loki while the rest finished. They all just nodded.
"Hey," I said softly.
"Why what?"
"Why save him?"
"He's my friend."
"So was I." ((A/N: see what I did there *wink wink*))
"I know, but you became more than a friend."
"It doesn't matter anymore does it?" I looked at him sadly.
"So you do know what going to happen to you."
I nodded slowly, avoiding his gaze.
"Well I guess it doesn't."
"Don't tell them ok?"
"Why would I? It's not like I care about them."
"Promise me one thing."
"You'll change for better when given the chance, and you'll forget me."
"I said no"
"Hey reindeer games!" Tony interrupted. "Want a fry?"
"I do not wish to eat your mortal food." Loki shot him a glare.
"Okay you're missing it." He said while going back inside.
"Good luck."
"What for?"
"What ever punishment Odin gives you."
"It won't be any worse than what is going to happen to you."
"I know" I leaned closer to him. "Please promise you'll at least change for better."
He didn't answer, he just nodded slowly while leaning closer. Then.
I kissed him.

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