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"You're ready?" Nick asked as I entered the jet plane.
"Better then I'll ever be," I smiled nervously. "Where are we going?"
"To the Helicarrier," he answered.
•••Time Lapse•••
"Who's this?" I heard a man with sunglasses and spiky hair ask Nick as I walked into a big room that had a lot of agents working on computers.
"This is Skylinda, she's going to be part of the Avengers," Nick answered.
"Sup kiddo?" He smirked. I growled at him and he backed off. I barely met the guy and he called me by the one name I hate.
I scanned the room, ignoring the man, and saw a blond tall man, a messy hair man that seemed to be hiding. I kept looking until I saw Natasha.
"Nat!" I said as I walked towards her.
"Hey Sky," she greeted back. "So let me introduce you to the team, this is Tony, that's Steve, and he's Bruce."
I was going to ask her where was Clint when I heard a man say "we found a match." At that moment, Nick told Natasha, Steve, and Tony to get to the jet.
"Can I go?" I asked Nick.
He thought about it carefully before answering, "Fine but don't get into any trouble." I nodded and ran after the others.
•••Time Lapse•••
We arrived at some party in Germany. Stark agreed to catch up on us wearing his suit. it was only Natasha, Steve and, me
"Sky, I want you to enter that party and check out if Loki is in there," Natasha told me. She handed me and earpiece. "Take this you'll need it."
I took it and asked, "how will I know who Loki is?"
"Well easy, he has long black hair and his eyes are green," she answered. "Alright everyone at their positions!"
I hesitated a little then I jumped out of the jet plane and shape shifted into a Raven. I glided down to the ground. I quickly flew into a dark alley and shifted back into a human. I looked at the people entering the party and decided I should shape shift into an older version of myself dressed in an elegant party dress.
"Sky you there?" I heard Natasha call over my earpiece.
"Yeah Nat, all good. Imma enter the party right now," I answered and walked into the party.
As I walked in I saw many men and women talking and laughing as they took a bite from their plate every now and then. I scanned the ballroom to see a man with long black hair and green eyes. I kept scanning until I saw one. He was wearing a suit with a green scarf.
"Hey Nat, I think I found him," I called over.
"Yes that's him, now approach slowly towards him but try not to alarm him," she ordered.
So I did as told. As I approached the man that seemed to be Loki, a sharp pain went through my head. I let out a little groan, which startled him a little. he then started to walk away. I started to walk faster after him but I lost him in the crowd.
"Nat! I lost him in the crowd!" I called.
"You can't! Keep looking!" She stated.
I kept looking through the crowd until I finally found Loki walking the stairs. I started to walk towards him. I then saw he lifted his cane and hit two security guards. I let out a scream and then everyone looked at him. He then went straight towards a man, then he grabbed him and flipped him over on a table. He pulled out a weird machine and then stabbed his eye.
"Nat should I do something to stop him?" I asked over on the earpiece.
"Yes! Do something!" She yelled.
I saw him starting to make his way to the main doors.
"Loki!" I screamed out, which cause another sharp pain to shoot through my mind.
He turned around and gave me a smirk.
"Stop or I will shoot," I shouted. His little smirk then faded into a puzzled look. He was looking at me as if trying to recognize me.
"Skylinda?" I heard him say.
My eyes opened wide. HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNOW MY REAL NAME? No one ever calls me by my full name anymore, they just call me Sky. There was no way he could know it. I was freaked out by this.
"How do you know my name? Who are you?" I yelled back.
"Do you not remember me? Your little blue friend. Skylinda, you must remember me," he started to walk closer towards me. "What have these mortals done to you?"
He was getting so close that my mind started to hurt more. I then shot him but missed. My mind then was in agonizing pain that I had dropped the gun and covered my head and let out a painful scream. Loki shook his head in disbelief but then ran outside.
Then, all a sudden, the pain was gone. I ran outside and saw Loki on the floor with his hands up and Steve and Tony in front of him.
"Hey guys, you got him?" I stated as I catches up to them.
"Yeah, are you ok," Steve replied. "Natasha told us that you were screaming."
"Yeah I'm fine," I have them a slight smile.
"Ok then we must get going," Tony stated.
I was able to catch a glance at Loki, who kept looking at me with a confused look. I then realized I was quite tired due to all the sudden action.
"Hey Nat Imma sleep for a hour ok? Make sure to wake me up," I stated.
"All covered, sweet dreams," she replied.
I went to the nearest seat and tried to get comfortable. I then fell into a deep sleep.

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