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Sky's POV
Neither Loki or I spoke of what had happened yesterday, as a matter of a fact we haven't talked at all since.
"Are you ready Sky?" Tony said as he came into my room. My now empty room.
"Yeah I got everything," I answered softly.
"You love it at the tower! It's going to be fun and awesome! Well play pranks on Bruce and make fun of Steve and-"
"Tony," I stopped him.
"Yeah?" He looked at me worried.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I shrugged. "At least wait until I give my announcement to you guys at Loki's departure."
"Yeah totally," he grabbed my stuff and we made way to his car where Bruce was waiting.
"Hey," he looked up from his phone.
"Sup doc," I said as I hopped into the car.
"Hey careful there!" Tony alerted. "She's got feelings."
"Yeah right," I taunted.
Tony got into the car and I waited until he turned the car on. I held my hands on the car and just before Tony started to drive I teleported ourselves to Central Park.
I couldn't hear the rest of his threats because I was laughing my ass off.
I felt bad for Bruce though. He was trying to remain calm.
After a while we were finally able to calm down. I was the first to jump off.
"Hey just a head up my tower is not a daycare, and I'm sure as hell not a babysitter." Tony spat.
"Yeah yeah ok so I bet Steve is gonna arrive next then Thor, Eric, and Loki. And Nat and Clint will be late because they stopped for Starbucks and stalled a bit because Clint had to argue the cashier that they wrote "CUNT" on purpose." I snickered.
"Wanna bet?" Tony taunted.
"It's on fifty bucks."
"Make it a hundred."
"Deal" I stretched my hand out to close it.
Once we shook hands Steve arrived on his motor bike "what I miss?"
"Oh nothing much just a little bet me and Tony made."
"Well what's the bet?"
"You'll see"
I went over to give Steve a tight hug as Thor, Eric, and Loki arrived.
"Lady Sky! Glad to see you again!" Thor exclaimed.
"Drop the "lady" and nice to see you too Thor," I giggled when he gave me a shocked expression.
"I wouldn't never drop a lady it is a shameful thing to do!"
"No Thor I mean just call me Sky without saying lady before it," I face palmed myself.
"I will try my best la- I'm mean Sky" he said emphasizing my name.
I smiled at Thor and started to walk back towards Tony and Bruce. I took a quick glance at Loki but he was avoiding me. I saw that he was wearing a metal muzzle over his mouth, I suppose to stop him from bribing anyone for his freedom, something I very much doubt he do.
"Look who's getting here!" Bruce noted for me and Tony.
"I'm telling you Nat he did this on purpose!"
"Heya what's going on?" I asked smirking.
"The cashier did it again! They wrote "CUNT" on my cup!" Clint whined.
I checked my watch, "and they are 5 minutes late." I smiled Tony.
Tony grunted and forcefully gave me my $100. "Hey it's not like you actually affected by losing $100 it's like losing a penny for me." I joked.
"Yeah but losing a bet damages my ego!" Tony mocked pain.
"Yeah sure!" I pinched him.
"Ow! The fuck was that for?!" Tony yelled.
"To give you some real pain to cry about," at that everyone laughed.
"Ah-hem!" Nick cleared his throat. "I understand that Sky want to make an announcement before Thor and Loki leave?"
I took a deep and shaky breath as I took a step forward. I glanced back at Tony and returned to him the $100, all he gave me was a confused look as he retrieved the money. "So far the only one who knows exactly why I'm doing this announcement is Loki." I commented as I signaled him. However he still avoided to acknowledge my presence. I was overlooking whatever was at the bottom of the bridge, back to us. But one thing is for sure, he was listening.
"What is this about," Thor asked concerned.
I took another breath, "I will no longer be among you guys."
Everyone gasped. Then Thor went over to Loki to remove his muzzle. It was only then that he turned around and looked at me straight in the eye. He had one single long tear down his face, and pinkish eyes that hint he had been crying. It broke my heart, we had been just barely reunited and now we are going to be separated once again, forever.
"Brother what is this about?" Thor asked him, clearly concerned.
"Skylinda is a light elf, and light elves have the ability to return life to one person," he took a pause and glared at Tony. "However there is a price to pay once this ability is used. The Elf that uses the ability must return to the light, in other words, she must vanish into light never to return again" he looked at me, another tear escaped with eye, as one in mine.
"Take back your life," we all turned to Tony. "If for me to live I must die then I don't want that burden."
"No Tony," I said sadly. "I'm not going to die, I'm just going to become light. I want you to live you life fully, keep in mind this is a second chance I have given you." I went over to him and hugged him tight. "You have becomed the closest thing I've ever had to a brother, all of you, you all became my family. I am truly grateful to have met you all." I had began crying now.
"Bu-" Tony started.
"No buts Tony," I smiled at him. I then turned to Loki and hugged him tight. "And you, my little blue friend, you are and always will be my one love. Please accept your punishment back in Asgard, try to become a better person for my memory. I promise that I will be with you at all times and you will be able to find love again." I reached up to kiss him. I was scared that he'd reject me but all the contrary. He kiss me back with so much passion and hunger and fire. He was kissing me like it were to be the last, and it really was the last.
I backed away from the kiss slowly and whispered to him "I love you" so that only he could hear. 
"I want you all to live your lives fully and happily. Please don't think of me so much. Goodbye everyone, I was lucky to have a family like you." I said as I back away slowly as light enveloped me. I kept staring at Loki before I was blinded be the light.
Now i am one with the light, and all I can say is that I really did enjoy my life. I will miss them dearly. I will miss Loki.

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