Ch 5: A Dream?

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Max POV:

An hour later we were putting away the shovels and the tools that we used outside. Then I heard something, it sounded bad, I saw what it was a few seconds later.

"RAWR" came the sound of a huge hairy swamp green beast.

Luna reacted first "It's a Bendarf, RUN!"

"you kidding?!?!" I screamed "that thing will eat you for breakfast"

"I'll be fine, trust me" she shouted, then started removing her coat and snow pants.

"No you won't you'll get slashed and catch hypothermia"

"Why do you care what happens to me?"

"Because you're my friend, and I know you'll be hurt" My words seemed to surprise and confuse her.

"I-If I'm your friend, please trust me" She charged at the thing in long clothes and a hoodie, she was fast, even faster than she was during the snowball fight, faster than she was in her race. I could still tell she was holding back something, the reason why she's fighting it. The green yeti thing finally gets a hit on her, knocking her to the side and tearing up her hoodie. The blow doesn't seem to faze her too bad, so she gets up, and we see it. Her ears, they aren't human, they're like wolf ears and she has a wolf tail too, it seemed too unrealistic to be true.

"I REALLY liked that hoodie" she seemed mad, "aw well screw it" her eyes glowed white, then she started hopping from the sides of the trees, confusing it. Then the moon glowed bright all the clouds moved out of the way. Luna raised her hand upward, then threw her hand down fast, a white beam of light came down at the monster and vaporized it leaving a circle a warm dirt where the thing was. She was on the ground, panting, she then noticed us, and shouted two words that confused me "WAKE UP!"

Then my eyes shot open, I wasn't outside, I was in the cabin, along with Emily and Sam, Luna was looking at me in her hoodie

"Well, one sleepy head got up"

"What happened"

"I dunno, you guys just collapsed outside so I figured that I should bring you in"

"What about the beast?"

"What beast?" she looked really confused, "wow you must have had some weird dream"

"I guess I did; why do you always wear a hoodie?"

"I like hoodies, make mine myself"

"Ok, man that was weird, there was this green yeti thing and you have wolf ears and a tail, it was kinda cool"

"What was? The green yeti thing?"

"No, you having wolf ears and a tail" she went silent after I said that, it looking like she was thinking

"Hey Max? Are we friends?"

"yes...we are"

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