Ch 12: Reality

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Max POV:

I was scared for Luna, sure I didn't trust her, but she hadn't done anything against me.

"What are you doing?" I screamed

"She'll be fine, but I imagine it must hurt having most of your DNA in all your cells being changed"


"Stop it" Emily pleaded, "If she was your friend you would stop it"

"Human, she WAS my friend, then when she knew what she was chosen for, two paths, a rare event, she left us all while we were asleep, leaving her only 'friends' a note explaining her leave" Charcoal explained bitterly, "She could've brought us peace or war, but she was so selfish that she ran away on a fools errand"

I looked at her, she was clawing and grabbing at the ground screaming while, her body was changing, her skin grew fur and turned gray, her hands and feet shrunk into paws, her mouth and nose turned into a snout, her hood fell off and I saw it, she had those ears from my dream. her body adjusted a position on four legs, her clothes in tatters, and I could see what she was.

A wolf.

She looked at her front paws and then looked at us, scared, but of whom I wasn't sure.

"Char, get the muzzle and rope" Juniper demanded,


I guess Wolf-Luna didn't like that idea so much and jumped at Charcoals throat. He was so surprised at the immediate maneuver, that he was only able to barely keep his neck safe, but fell on the ground in the process.

"Ju, a little help" Charcoal requested

"Get off him ya mutt" Juniper demanded, before attacking the wolf.

They fought like animals would, trying to rip each other's throat out or blind them, eventually, Luna retreated into the woods nearby.

"Well, we may not be her friends anymore, but we have her current ones" Juniper said wickedly, "Maybe they'll help us find her"

After hearing that, Sam, Em and me ran into Luna's house, it should've been a dumb idea, but they didn't come in, I looked and I saw they were pounding at the entrance, but a gray wall kept them in.

"So, the punk did know more magic than we thought" Juniper noticed, "Charcoal, we can't get in until Luna allows us in, and since we turned HER into a wolf, and she allowed her FRIENDS in, it would be more productive to look for her"

With that, they left, it was spring break so we could only stay in here for so long, but we were low on food.

"We should stay the night in case they're still here"

Sam and Em agreed.

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