Relationship Test

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Nicole's POV

Sunny and I are getting ready for the concert. I curled my hair while Sunny had a messy look going for her.

Nicole: Sunny you ready?

Sunny: 1 more minute (Yells from the bathroom)

Nicole: Okay, I'll be in the car. 

That one minute turned into eight. I didn't really mind because whenever me and Dennis were gonna go out and Sunny would be dropping me off she would wait for me without complaining. That's why we've been best friends for so long, We always get a long and understand each other. Sunny got into the car and closed the door.

Nicole: You look good

Sunny: Thanks

Nicole: No problem


After the concert was over, Sunny and I made our way backstage just to see like literally 100 girls waiting in front of us. I knew that some snuck back here, because no way their going to have so many people back here. More security was called and we'd have to wait longer to see the boys.

Prince's POV

Aww man. I have to wait to see Sunny. I was just sitting alone in my dressing room until I heard the door open behind me. Before I could look, my eyes were covered by soft warm hands.

???: Guess who? 

Prince: Sunny?

???: NO! (Angry) It's me, Becca. 

Prince: WHAT THE FUCK! Get out!

Becca: Don't yell at me like that (Starts to fake cry)

Prince: I'm sorry Becca, please don't cry.

Becca: Only if you kiss me.

Prince: What? NO! I have a girlfriend. 

Becca didn't even listen to me, she just walked over and smashed her lips onto mine. I was trying to pull back but she had her grip on me tight. I wanted to push her off me but I couldn't; that was until I saw Sunny at the door. Remembering her, I pushed Becca off. She smiled deviously.

Prince: SUNNY!

Sunny: So whose this? 

Prince: She's my ex-girlfriend and I promise to god Sunny that I didn't kiss her. I don't even know how she got in here. She threw herself at me. Please believe me.

Sunny: What's her name?

Prince: Rebbecca 

Why isn't Sunny getting mad? Is this the normal way to react when you see your boyfriend kissing another girl?

Becca: I ain't yo ex, I'm your girlfriend. We've been together for a whole year now. Why you cheating on me with this ugly ass hoe?

Sunny: Ah NO! Your slutty ass can call me anything except a hoe. It ain't fitting me.

Becca: Well guess what you are a hoe, tryana take my man away from me. Prince, babe, if you wanted to cheat you should've done it with someone descent at least. I don't know what the hell you saw in this stanky ass shit.

Sunny: (Laughs) It's sad, you don't even know who you're messing with.

Oh fuck. Shit just got real.

Sunny grabbed Becca's head and body-slammed her onto the ground. Then she sat on top of her and literally just beat the shit outta her. Poor Becca hardly got a good hit on Sunny. Dang my girl knew how to fight. She got up and slammed Becca into the wall. By all the screams and yelling, the boys and Nicole came to see what was happening. Right when the boys figured out what was going down they were cheering for Sunny.

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