Knocked Down

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  • Dedicated to All my readers ♥

Copyright © 2012 | iiame_97 | All Rights Reserved

 ~ YES! This story contains more errors than anything only because I started writing it for the heck of it. Throughout the story you may notice some changes in my writing because I was learning along the way on how to write correctly. Just something cute for you to read. Enjoy! ~ 

>> At the LAX Airport

Sunny: Hurry up Nicole, or we're gonna miss the flight!

Nicole: I'm coming!

Sunny: Thank gosh we made it (Gives Nicole the, if we missed the flight you dead, look)

Nicole: I love you too (Smiles)

Sunny: (Smiles)

They both board the plane and find their seats. 

Nicole's POV

So we're on the plane now and Sunny is watching Toy Story. That girl is 16 but she's never too old for cartoons. You should see her when she knows Scooby-Doo is on. I was just listening to music on my i-Pod and just thinking about Dennis and eventually fell asleep.

Sunny's POV

I was watching Toy Story and gosh I love that movie so much. When it ended I realized Nicole was asleep so I started to listen to music. It was about 8 AM (they boarded the plane at 6 AM) I was too awake so I started listening to my i-Pod and just started thinking about MB. We also are gonna go to MB's concert in Florida in a week. I'm SO excited, Nicole doesn't really care but she said she'll come with me.

>> About 30 mins later, Nicole finally wakes up.

Nicole: Aye what time is it?

Sunny: 9 almost

Nicole: I needa use the bathroom. Be right back.

Sunny: Alright

Sunny's POV

So Nicole left to the bathroom. My butt was hurting cause I sat for 2 hours straight. I had to get up and just walk around. As soon as I got up I bumped into this boy and he fell on top of me and I accidentally kissed his cheek. 

Sunny: SHIT! I'm so sorry! I should of watched where I was going! Sorrrrrry!

???: Nah, it's okay. I'm sorta clumsy myself. 

I couldn't see who the boy was cause all my hair was in front of my face, but I could see he had an afro that looked so damn familiar. 

Sunny: Well I'm still sorry.

???: Here (He put out his hand for me too grab)

I grabbed his hand and damn did he just sweep me off the ground. Thank goodness hardly anyone was in the plane or I would of been so embarrassed but no one noticed so I'm lucky. I moved my hair out of my face. I fixed my clothes until I remembered the boy. 

Sunny: Hey thaa--- (I stopped)

Sunny's POV

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? I must be seeing things. 

???: Hey, I'm Princeton. Nice to meet you.

Sunny: ................................ (Lost in his eyes)

Prince: I'm guessing you already knew that. (Chuckles)

Snap out of it Sunny! 

Sunny: Oh um, sorry. Yeah I do. I'm Sunny. (Smiling and giggling softly)

Damn he looks good.

Prince: So where you going to?

Sunny: The same place this plane is going. Florida. (Giggles)

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