It's not even my birthday

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  • Dedicated to All my undercover freaks.

>> Girl's Apartment 

Sunny: Okay so what do you think about Prince?

Demi: I like him and to all you, ya'll make some cute couples.

Sunny & Ty & Jay: Thanks!

Jay: Demi so do you have a guy?

Demi: Sadly no.

Sunny: Dems, what do you think of Prod?

Demi: Well, he's really, really nice, and cool.

Sunny: I know that. But I meant what do you think of Prod?

Demi: He's cute and I love his smile.

Ty: Aye, I think we got a hookup.

Demi: I'm not sure if he likes me.

Jay: Leave that too me.

Demi: Have ya'll done it yet?

Jay: Yes ma'am.

Ty: Yup!

Sunny: Proud virgin ova' here.

Demi: Then I'm a proud sister of a virgin. (Laughs)

Sunny: Oh shush! 

Demi: When do you think Prince's gonna make his move?

Sunny: I don't know yet but I hope he knows that I'm getting kind of impatient. 

Demi: Don't worry. He's just being a gentlemen and waiting for that perfect moment.

Sunny: (Sighs) I guess.

Jay: (Lighting the mood) So Demi, it's your first time here in LA, what do you wanna do?

Demi: Come on. You guys know this. 

All of them: SHOPPING!

>> At the mall with the all the boys

Sunny's POV

We were in a hour into our shopping with Demi and the boys. The girls, boys, and I had made a plan that after we were done shopping we were gonna ditch Demi and Prod so they would have to talk to each other and you know just have alone time.

I held onto Prince's hand, strolling into the mall in our big group. I don't know what was up with him today because he really liked touching me and slipping kisses here and there. Not that I'm complaining, but it was just unusual.

I heard my name being called by Jay. She was giving me the "ready" look we planned before. Ty, Jay, and I all shook our heads, confirming we were ready. 

Ty was the first to commence the mission.

Ty: I need to use the bathroom, babe come with me. 

I watched as Ty grabbed Ray's hand and speed walked to the left. 

Jay: Oh my gosh Roc, look at those puppies, their so cute! 

Roc and Jay, ran like little kids who just spotted a Toy Store, to the pet store.

Since Prince and I were the furthest back, I simply turned us around, and led Prince into JCPenney. I peeked through the window, trying to spot Prod and Demi. It took me five seconds before my eyes landed on Prod who was leading Demi to the food court. I giggled.

Typical Prod. 

As I was being an undercover spy, I felt Prince hold onto my waist and slowly turn me towards him. I looked into his eyes, and the only two things I could make out was happiness, and lust. 

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