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Chloe's POV

"Come on baby lets go home" I tell Tommy and he nods

But I look up I see I figure slink away into the shadows, I could swear I recognised him

*later ally has come over for dinner*

"I swear ally it was him, I saw him" I tel her

"Chlo, you see him everywhere, and that's only natural, I still do too, but sweetie he's gone, you watched him die, I sat on that bathroom floor with you as you cried when you confirmed you were pregnant, we have a body Chloe, this isn't your brother, we buried a body in Ryan's grave not just an empty casket" how could she bring that up?! How could she bring up my brother! Like it doesn't still haunt me that we never got his body back for burial, like I don't know that he's still out there somewhere, his rotting corpse out there like it has been for almost 7 years!

But she is right I guess, he is gone, I saw him die, I buried his body, he's gone

But I wish I didn't still see his face everywhere I looked, I see him so much in Tommy

The doctors were all worried about  that, they thought I'd try to hurt him or myself, I would never lay a hand on my son, he's the last living piece of Ryan and he's the only reason I have to keep getting up in the morning

But then who was that guy in the cemetery, there no way that it was just a random guy


God I'm going crazy, it's today, every year on his birthday and the anniversary of his death I seem to lose my mind, I mean those two days are just he worst, being reminded of him like that hurts

And I miss my brother and my dad too, they'd be so good with Tommy, he'd absolutely love them, and they'd absolutely love him too

"Why don't you go take a nap, I bet you're exhausted" ally suggests

"But Tommy..." I try to make an excuse but she's having none of it

"I'll watch him now go" she tells me forcefully

"Okay, okay I'm going" I chuckle a little and fake a smile, I can't do a real one right now, I'm so confused

"Be a good boy for auntie ally won't you?" I ask Tommy

"I promise mommy" he promises and I smile

I bend down and kiss his cheek before getting back up and walk up to my room, I'm drained, physically, mentally, emotionally

I'm all out


Ally makes a good point, they buried a body for Ryan didn't they? There was never a body for Chloe's brother...... xoxo

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