Happily Ever After

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Ryan's POV

A few months later we finally had our happily ever after, we said our I dos in front of all of our friends after all this had been sorted out and explained

That night at the reception she took me away from the rest of the group to the gazebo outside, all lit up with twinkly lights surrounded by water in the moonlight

It was beautiful and so was she

Then she told me something I was not expecting to hear

"I'm pregnant" she said

This time she wasn't asking me she was telling me and it felt amazing

I got to be there every step of the way, every appointment, every ultrasound scan, I was there for it all

When she finally went into labour 6 days late and in agony and agitation I was there, I held her hand and comforted her through it

We had twin girls that day

Freya and Edie, my little angels

Tommy loves his little sisters to pieces, the entire pregnancy he couldn't have been more excited, it was so cute, he was doing everything for his mommy so she could relax as much as possible

This is a life I don't deserve but I'm going to live every single day of it to the fullest, Toby is still a little bit awkward after what happened but he's getting there

Today is Chloe's 30th birthday, I can't believe it's been over 10 years since I met the beautiful girl at the rehab centre

"Okay we all know the plan, Tommy you take your sisters and wake your mommy up, nicely remember, avoid the important parts if you bounce on her, then I'll come in with her breakfast and once she's finished we give her her presents, okay?" I ask them in my kid voice

"Yeah daddy!" A now 8 year old Tommy agrees

The twins just giggle and nod, they're starting to talk but they're only two so they don't quite have a wide vocabulary yet

I grab the tray and then follow them up the stairs

Tommy opens then door then they all bound in, waking Chloe up, they all scramble into the bed and start bouncing a round

I listen to the giggling and screaming from just behind the door

"Woah guys, carefully of the belly" I hear Chloe chuckle and decide that should probably be my cue

"Woah guys let's not squish mommy" I joke as they settle down and sit down, Chloe sits up a little more and I bring her the tray, I sit it down on her lap

I kneel down and kiss her

"Sorry baby" I whisper with a smile

I bend down a little bit more and kiss her belly

"Sorry other baby" I whisper

She smiles as I hold my hand on her belly? She places her hand on top of mine and smiles

Oh yeah I may have forgotten to mention that

"Is it a boy or girl?" Tommy asks

"I don't know baby, what does mommy think it is?" I ask her

"Hmm, boy" she answers

"I think it's a girl, you seem to be good at making those" I say as I grab Freya who's about to fall of the bed

"No sweetheart we don't crawl straight off the bed" I chuckle as she then starts clambering all over me

Edie gets herself entertained by her brother, I can't help but smile watching this

And yes 6 and a half months later Chloe was proven right when she birthed a little boy named Sam

That was the end of it for us

We were finally living in peace

The End


So that's it, I hope you've enjoyed this book, my next book, Let Me Go, should come out with the next week or two, so follow my updates book for more updates and keep on the lookout, I hope you liked how it ended, thank you for reading xoxo

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