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Chloe's POV

I can't watch this, this can't happen, I have to stop him

"Toby stop!" I yell

Toby puts the gun down in shock

"What the hell Chloe?!" He yells at me

I stand so the gun is pressing against my chest

"You'll have to kill me first" I tell him

"Get out of my way Chloe, I don't want to hurt you" he tells me

"I can't, I can't live without him again" I whisper to him

"Chloe please" Toby pleas with me

"Chloe you don't have to do this for me, he's right, I left him there, it's haunted me ever since, they swore to me he was dead, I shouldn't have believed them and I shouldn't have left him, I was the sniper I should've never let him come" he tells me but I refuse to move

"There's still an out for you Toby" I promise him

"THERE ISN'T!" He yells, making me jump in fright

"Let us go, come with us"I plead with him

"I CAN'T IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!" He tried to explain

"Why?!" I cry out

"It just isn't!" He raises his voice and I can't see tears in his eyes

"It can be" Ryan whispers

"How?!" Toby gets angry with him

"Just come with us" Ryan begs him

"I've done too much, I can't leave now!" Toby tells us but we don't care

Ryan walks towards me, he puts his arm around me and uses his other hand to slowly push down the gun in Toby's hand

"Come with us Toby" I plea

"Go, I can get you out of here but you've gotta go right now" he tells us

"I'm not leaving without you" I tell him

"Me neither" Ryan agrees

"Okay" he whispers

"Come on we've gotta be careful" he walks to the other side of the room and opens a little door to reveal a little storage room

"Tommy!" I yell as I run over to him, I take off the gag they've put on his

"MOMMY!" He yells excitedly

I picked him up and spun him around

"Tommy, I wanna introduce you to some people okay sweetie but it's gonna be a little confusing so you're gonna have to be a big boy abou this okay?" I ask and he nods

"Tommy, meet your daddy" I hand him over to Ryan who sits him on his hip

"I thought you died" Tommy says confusedly

"It's a really long story buddy, but I'm here now and I'm never gonna leave you or your mommy again" he promises our son

I put my hand on Toby's back gently and guide him closer to his nephew

Tommy takes one look at him and gets really scared, he starts screaming and crying, Ryan bounces him gently to try and calm him down

"Sweetie, it's okay, this is your uncle Toby, he didn't mean to scare you before" I tell him gently

"I'm really sorry I frightened you" Toby tells him "I didn't mean to make you sad"

Tommy sniffs and then smiles a little

"It's okay" he says quietly

"Now for our escape" Toby told us

"This should be interesting" Ryan replied


They still gotta get out, and with me there's always a catch to a happy ending, today I think Toby might just be that catch, we'll see where my mind takes us 😂😂 xoxo

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