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Chloe's POV

I feel like this could all be about to go tragically wrong

I mean, if we actually manage to get out here all in one piece then won't they come after us?

"Won't they come after us?" I ask them suddenly

"What?" Ryan asks me confusedly

"If we get out of here won't these goons go after us?" I ask them

"I've got a plan for that" Ryan tells me

"Come on we haven't got time for this, they'll be wondering what's going on, follow me" Toby tells us

We nod and follow him, he walk over to a little trap door somehow I also didn't notice

He opens it and very carefully puts the door down, making sure not to make any noise, I see a ladder but it looks quite dark, by that I mean pitch black, I got my phone out and turned my torch on, I was kinda confused by the fact they didn't take my phone, then I see I have no service, either there's just no service out here or they're blocking it

"I'll go first" I say in a slightly lowered voice which was rather unintentional

"You sure?" Ryan asks me

"Yeah" I answer, trying to sound more confident than I feel

I put my phone in my back pocket with the torch still on as I check out the ladder, this could be funny for everyone but me

I step over to it and they hold onto me as I find my footing then I grab onto the ladder with my hands and they let me go, I climb down until I finally find the floor and I get off

"Ry come on!" I call up to them

Still holding tommy Ryan follows me down and then finally Toby comes down, shutting the trapdoor on his way

Come on, before they realise we're gone

He starts to lead us down some tunnels and we follow him, every twist and turn making me feel more scared and much more lost

We've been walking for quite a few minutes, and by walking I mean semi running, when we finally reach some steps and I see a door at the top of them

"That's your out" he tells

"You mean our out" I correct him

"Chloe..." he starts but now I've had enough of all this shit and I'm gonna kick the fuck off

"Ryan, cover our son's ears, I'm gonna be using a few words I'm gonna say he hasn't heard before" I tell him while I glare at my big brother

"Chloe I can't come with you" he whispers


"I can't!" He exclaims

"Get you ass out that door right now!" I raise my voice rather forcefully

"Fine" he gestures for us to leave

"Nope, you're not gonna get the chance to get us out and then lock yourself in get your ass out of that door now" I tell him

He sighs and does as he's told, we follow him out and then shut the door, we see guards coming so we get back in as quickly as we can

My heart is pounding in my chest as they walk towards us

I hold my breath as I hear them walking towards the door

Then I hear them walk past and let out a quiet sigh of relief

"There'll be more very soon, we have to go" Toby ushers us out

We run once the door is closed, run as fast as we can until we get to Ryan's truck

As we get there we hear shoutout

"Shit" Toby mutters

"What's going on?!" I ask, I'm really scared

"They know we're gone" he tells me hurriedly

Ryan thrusts Tommy at me

"Get in the back now!" He tells me in a rush

I do as I'm told and he jumps into the drivers seat as Tony rides shotgun

The yelling is coming closer, it's much louder now

Ryan starts the truck as quickly as he can and hen drives away as fast as he can

I hear shots get fired and try not to scream

I am absolutely terrified

How can any of this be real?


Updates yay! 😂😂 xoxo

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