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Mystery Man POV

Damn it, she's seen me, fuck sakes! Why am I so stupid! She's gonna start digging, and if they find out she's doing that they'll realise I'm alive and they'll come after her to get to me

Her and that little boy don't deserve to have to be a part of my mess!

I left to keep her safe, I faked my own death to protect her from them, and yet I couldn't keep away to keep them safe!

It's my fault they got into this mess and all because I couldn't let go! I promised to always protect her, how could I have been so fucking stupid?!

She can never know I'm still alive, I have to find a way to stop her from looking and hope that she's not on their radar yet, I can't get that close again, they'd take her and Tommy if I do, I should've been there for her rather than get her into this mess


Chloe's POV

I've been thinking about what ally said and I keep coming back to the same conclusion

Why don't we have my brothers body?

Toby was with Ryan, Ryan came back, the rest of the unit came back, so why didn't Toby? Why didn't I ever think to ask Ryan that?

Why didn't that occur to me for like 7 years?

I need to know the truth, I can't keep pretending that it doesn't bother me because it does

I mean is it possible that the figure I keep seeing in the shadows is Toby?

Could he be alive?

No, Chloe no! If he was alive why wouldn't he have told me? Why would he be hiding? Why would he lurk in the shadows


I saw him at the cemetery.....TOMMY!

"Tommy sweetheart!" I call out to him and he comes running in cutely

"Mommy?" He asks me confused and slightly nervous

"2 days ago at the cemetery, when I told you to go wait by the tree, was there someone else there?" I ask him gently and try to sound as normal as I can

"Yeah" he replies vaguely, wait, he's 6, you gotta tell him when you want details

"Did you recognise him?" I ask

"Yeah, kinda" he replies

"Do you know who it was?" I ask him

"No, why mommy?" He questions in confusion

"Don't worry sweetie, go play, I come and join you soon" I promise him, he looks at me strangely for a moment but then shakes it off and nods before running out of the room, I smile at his little run

At the time I thought it was the worst thing in the world but now I look back at it, Ryan giving me Tommy as his prying gift was the best thing I could've ever had

That little boy is my world, as long as I have him it doesn't matter what else is going on


Oh but how it does..... xoxo

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