Truth time

200 14 6

Chloe's POV

We quickly arrived at the apartment

"We have to pack up anything you'll need but as little as possible" he tells me hurriedly

"No, first you're going to explain to me what the hell is going on" I tell him forcefully

"Chloe I promise you I will explain everything but right now we have to go!" He tells me, struggling to maintain his temper

"Why should I believe you? Why should I trust you?!" I apparently am struggling to maintain my own

"You loved me once Chlo, I never stopped loving you, I don't care how much you hate me or want me away from our little boy I will never stop protecting both of you" he promises me

"Why now? Why suddenly start caring now?" I ask

"I never stopped caring, I've been watching over you and Tommy for six years, every single day I was there making sure no harm came to either one of you" he replies at which point I'm confused

"Then why hide from us?!" I ask, the hurt in my voice clearly showing now

"Because it wasn't safe, it still isn't, they didn't know about you, or about Tommy until I got reckless, I saw him coming towards me and I knew I shouldn't have stayed there but I just wanted to speak to my son once, it was the stupidest decision I've ever made" he explains sadly

With that we sort everything out, pack everything up in silence,we pack a rucksack for me and for Tommy and then we leave

Poor Tommy is so confused but so am I so there's nothing I can say to help him understand

Suddenly Ryan grabs Tommy up and pulls me back behind a wall, we look around and see a bunch of guys outside our place

"What's going on" I whisper but he just shushes me, I see he's got his hand over Tommy's mouth to keep him quiet

They go inside and he pulls me away, I keep asking him but he doesn't tell me until we get to a truck which I'd presume was his, he pulled out the keys and told me to get in once I'd chucked my bag on the backseat, he put Tommy in the back with his rucksack and then climbed into the drivers seat

He drives for a while and I sit in silence, I'm not sure what Tommy's doing back there if I'm honest but he seems to be entertained so I'll just go with it

Eventually we arrive at a cabin outside the city, in the middle of the woods which is absolutely fabulous in no way at all, once we're inside I set Tommy down with a couple of toys and to keep himself entertained while I get Ryan to explain what the hell is going on

"Out with it" I tell him harshly

"I lied to you about what happened when I got hurt" he starts awkwardly

"I figured" I replied snarkily

"There wasn't a whole unit with us, I mean our unit was out there but not with Toby and I, that was our cover, that's why our files are so redacted you aren't allowed to see them" he explains and now I'm lost

"We were on a special operation of top secret level, we were supposed to get the coordinates of this guy, an American citizen, a psycho who was trying to kill millions of people, our orders were to kill him if we got the chance but it all went wrong...." he trails off and I think I can figure it this part

"You escaped and my brother didn't" I whisper

"He saved my life" he replies in an equally hushed tone

"So what? You and me was just because of what happened to him?" I ask, hurt a lot

"No, god no Chloe, how could you think that? I would never do that!" He starts getting agitated about it so I back off the subject

"So what happened? Why did you have to disappear?" I ask confusedly

"Their boss was killed, I shot him, they wanted revenge, I started realising that they were coming for me, I knew they'd use you and Tommy to get me and I couldn't let that happen to you guys so I 'left', I faked my death and I hid, but I couldn't stay away that day in the cemetery and they found out, they know if they can get you two then I'd give myself up for you in a heartbeat, you're how they're going to get me, at least that's what they think" I feel like that all just went straight over my head

"So what Tommy and I have to hide forever?" I ask slightly annoyed

"No, because whoever this new boss is is the one behind this, the rest are just henchmen, if I can kill the guy running this then you two will be safe and you can go about your lives again" he tells me

"What about you? You're not going to be with us?" I ask him

"You hate me, why would you want me around?" He replies

I lean in and crash our lips into each other's and wrap my arms spurn his neck, his hands find their way onto my waist and we just keep kissing, at first he seemed shocked but he quickly settled into it, we only finally pulled away for air, we panted breathlessly as we did, I came closer and laid my head against him

"I could never truly hate you" I whisper

"Okay" he replies softly

"So you'll come back with us?" I ask him

Ryan's POV

"Yeah" I reply but I only wish that was true

It's not going to be that easy, I don't think that we're all going to make it back alive and I fully intend for it to be me not them that these psychos get a hold of

Whatever happens Chloe and Tommy must stay safe


Dun dun dunnnnnn (that low-key seems to be what I say for all of these atm 😂😂) xoxo

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