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Ryan's POV

I arrived to find the door open and the place ransacked

"CHLOE?! TOMMY?!" I yelled terrified

I searched everywhere then suddenly I heard moaning from the bedroom, I run in and find her on the floor, quite badly beaten up, crying hard

"Chloe what happened?!" I ask her as gently as I can as I kneel down beside her

She's still crying so hard, i pull her into my arms and cradle her gently

"Chlo, where's Tommy?" I ask her nervously but she just keeps crying, she looks pretty badly bruised but I don't think she's done any serious damage.... well, had any done to her

"Chloe where is he?" I ask her again

This time she sniffles and tries to sort herself out to talk

"They came here, I told him to hide, they tried to find him, I tried to stop them! I tried to protect him! But they had guns and they were crazy! They just kept hitting me and kicking me and punching me! And then they found him...." she trails off, I don't want to hear this I don't think

"They took him" she whispers before she starts crying all over again

"Chloe, did they say anything to you?" I ask her, I'm sure there's something

She sniffs again, a lot

"They said to give you a message, him for you, if you give yourself up to them they'll give him back" she whispered shakily

"I'm gonna get him back for you Chlo, I promise you" I swear to her but lacvsdd0suddenly she looks up at me terrified
"I can't lose you!" I she cries

"My life for our child's, I can live with that, Chloe he deserves his chance, you lived without me, you can do it again" I tell her as I rock her a little

"Please!" She cries into my chest

"Chloe we're going to go he our son then you're gonna take him and you're gonna run as far as you can" I tell her as I stand up with her still wrapped around me, her arms round my neck and her legs round my waist, she buries her head in the crook of my neck

"I love you so much" I whisper to her

She cries a little but I have no choice, they will kill Tommy otherwise and I cannot let that happen


How is this so short I was working on this like all day oml 😂😂 xoxo

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