Run & Hide

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Chloe's POV

Then he did something that shocked me

He grabbed my arm, pulled me back into him and kissed me, as soon as I regained my composure I pushed him away

We stood there looking each other in the eyes for a moment, I hated him.....but.....also I didn't.....I was so confused, then it happened

We collided, our lips crashed into each other's, as they did his hand went over Tommy's eyes, I smirked into the kiss, I wasn't thinking straight, honestly I don't think I was thinking at all but right then and there I didn't give a shit

It was a long kiss, a slow kiss but eventually I could feel Tommy wriggling in my arms and I knew I had to break away

"Can I tell him?" He whispers eventually after he's uncovered Tommy's eyes

Unfortunately I'd had time to think, and I realised how wrong what we'd just done was

I shook my head

"No Ry, you still left us, you're still not a father or anything else" I whisper while Tommy isn't paying attention

"Chloe I can explain" he tells me then he pulls me closer "let me explain" he whispers into my ear in that seductive way that he knows used to get me every time

And it nearly did, it nearly got me, I was almost putty in his hand but it's been six years and things have changed, I'm a mom now, I have to protect Tommy and if Ryan could walk out of his life before he was even born and stay gone for six whole years then what good is he?

I won't confuse Tommy like that, he can never know that his father is currently stood right in front of him

"Don't come back Ryan, I can't watch you leave me again, however you try and explain this away there's no reason that I could accept for doing this" I tell him, trying to hide the fact that there are tears in my eyes

I don't want to go....but I know I have to, it's what's best for Tommy and probably for me too

I turn and start to walk away with Tommy still on my hip

"Chloe! Wait!" I hear him yell as he chases after me

"RYAN JUST STOP!" I yell at him, god does he not get what he did to me! I watched him die! At least I thought I did! He told me I was pregnant then faked his own death and left me to pick up the pieces of my life!

"Chloe you're not safe!" He yelled

I whip round at that too look at him and I can tell he means what he says

"What do you mean?" I ask slightly nervously

"That's why I left Chlo, there are people after me, bad people, if they'd have found out about you they'd have hurt you to get to me, that's why I left and that's why I tried to stay away.....but I couldn't keep away, and not they're after you and it's my fault!" He gets more and more worked up as he goes

"Wait what?!" I ask in shock

"You need to grab what you need and then we need to bet gone, like right now, come on we won't have long" he says hurriedly

This is insane

This is all so crazily insane

"" I stutter

"Chloe, even if you hate me and you don't trust me your life is in danger and your son our our son or whatever, they're after him too Chloe, I can try my best to keep you safe but you have to come with me right now!" He tells me exasperatedly

"O...okay" I stutter again

He takes my hand and tries to get me to run but I can't do that and carry Tommy

"Slow down Ry I can't keep up!" I tell him slightly overharshley

"Can I take him?" He asks in reference to the 6 year old pretty much asleep on me

I'm about to say no when I really think it through, I sigh and nod and then I carefully give him our son

"Thank you" her whispers

"He's ours" I reply quietly

I see him smile a little until it faded when he remembers what we're doing

"Come on" he tells me and we head off as fast as we can

This is insane, I keep waiting to just wake up and have this all have been a dream

Can this possibly be real?


Can it? Xoxo

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