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Chloe's POV

I spent the next two weeks digging into what happened, I called a load of people and asked a bunch of questions but I kept getting blocked at every turn, I just want to find out what happened to my brother, they hear my name and think I'm asking about Ryan sometimes, but for some reason they're just as secretive then

It's really confusing to me, like why would their files be market as something I couldn't see?

I went to get Tommy from school that afternoon, we were walking back and decided to take a shortcut through the alley that cuts off about 10 minutes from our walk because Tommy was complaining his legs hurt from the walk even though he kept running on ahead of me

That kid is nuts I tell you he's his father's son there no doubt about that

But that was when it happened, everything changed, I haven't felt that much anger and confusion mixed together with a little bit of distress since Ryan left me

We were walking back when suddenly two guys showed up out of nowhere, dressed all in black

They came at us and had me pinned against the wall in seconds

"Tommy run!" I screamed at him but it was too late, the other guy had him, he was screaming and crying and I was crying too

"What do you want?!" I cry out

"Oh sweetheart, it's not what we want that you should worry about, it's what the boss wants that you should be worried about" he sneers at me

I try and fight him but his grip is too strong

What the hell is this?!

Then suddenly I hear two shots

My breath catches and I'm left in shock, the two guys fall to the ground and I look round to the guy who took the shots, I grab Tommy and back away from him as he steps towards us

"Please just let us go!" I scream

"Chloe...." a familiar voice whispers as he takes his hood down

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him.....I....I thought he was dead......


Dun dun dun..... so who do we think it is? Most people are saying Ryan or Toby, well let's say it is one of those two but which one? Which do you think? Xoxo

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