Under fell sans x depressed abused reader It's a dark world here pet

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You the reader have been feeling depressed ever since your mom died and your father blamed you for her death and started to abuse you also you got bullied at school and had no friends.you got home from school and started doing the list of chores that your dad left you,clean the dishes cook dinner,do the laundry,clean the house,and mow the lawn.you were finished with chores before your "dad" got home the door was kicked open and there stood your dad with a beer bottle in his hand "Y/N GET YOUR STUPID BUTT HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Shouted your very drunk "father" you walked up to him "yes sir?" You were hit with the bottle on the head and kicked in the ribs you started to cough blood.When your dad left you got up took a shower and changed into a black sweater with two red stripes and grey pants you put your h/c in a ponytail and grabbed the letter your mom gave you before she died.opened your bedroom window and jumped out running away you didn't know where to go but one place mount.ebbot.
~time skip because this is taking to long~
You were utterly confused you were in the underground met a sad injured flower and is now with you in a pot, a crazy goat women who you were nice too and told her and flowey what happend to you before you came here she felt utterly bad for you and told you to go to the basement and leave she also said you can visit her whenever you like.you were now in the cold with a freezing flowey and about to be killed you walked down the snowy path and saw a really thick branch you walked over it and continued to walk down the path until the branch snapped."y/n we need to go now" flowey said in a scared voice you nodded and came across a bridge or cage you weren't sure,you heard footsteps from behind you and a deep raspy voice say "HEY PAL DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO GREET A NEW FRIEND TURN AROUND AND SHAKE MY HAND". You turned around and saw he had his hand out for a hand shake and said "I see the joybuzzer on your hand and hi".You could finally see him better he had a red turtle neck and a black jacket fang like teeth and one gold tooth and basketball shorts with red on the sides and saw he had red slippers he also was sweating and had a crack on his skull."being smart are we? Actually now that I see you better you look actually pretty hot" he said chuckling you blushed "welp I'm sans the skelaton nice ta meet ya" sans said you walked over the bridge thing with sans behind you and heard a dark voice say "SANS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" the tall skeleton looked at you and walked over to you and sans and said "SANS DID YOU FIND THIS HUMAN" the tall skeleton asked glaring at sans "y-yes br-boss".The tall skeleton grabbed you by your sweaters collar you dropped flowey when he picked you up "y/n!" Flowey yelled sans picked up the flower and followed his boss with you still being chocked.
~time skip to when your in the shed and sans put a collar on your neck and calling you pet~
Your sitting in your spot with the collar still on your neck and your eyes showing no emotion at all jut a light grey color.Flowey was beside you just looking down at the ground in deep thought the door of the shed opened and you looked up with your still no emotion eyes and saw sans.He shut the door and sat in front of you his bony hand grabbed your chin very roughly and seductivly and chuckled "you know pet your actually kinda freakin cute with this collar on" he said as he grabbed the leash pulling it and you closer to him "come here pet I'm going to give you a great time" he still had his bony hand on your chin he smashed his teeth on your lips roughly and licked your lips for entrance you already had your mouth opened from shock of him kissing you.Finally you had some emotion in your eyes love you kissed him back and you both pulled apart for air "heh I love you pet" he said with a smirk and still sweating with his hand on your chin "I-i l-love you t-too"

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