Kinder fresh sans x daycare employee reader!

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(Sorry about the video it just always makes me laugh)
You were playing with fresh him sitting on your lap and you playing with his hands he grabbed your thumbs and gave a childish smile."I wanna Marry you when I gow up!" You giggled smiling at fresh."That's very sweet fresh but you have to grow up first before you can marry me,promise you'll grow up first before you ask?" Fresh nodded "promise!" You placed fresh on the ground and left to check on the other kids.
Fresh's p.o.v
I sat on the floor watching ink draw when I started to think about y/n 'does she no luv me,does she not want to marry me'.I started to cry I took my glasses off so my tears won't stain them error and ink stood next to me trying to help.
Y/n p.o.v
I was making sure horror and lust wouldn't do anything to each other when dance came in and tapped my leg I looked down and squatted to his eye level."What is it dance?" I asked "fresh is crying and error and ink don't know what's wrong can you help him?" I nodded I followed dance into the playroom where I saw fresh sitting on the floor crying ink hugging him and error standing looking around on his side."Fresh honey we need to talk about this" error got infront of fresh arms out he was tearing up "I won't let you hurt him anymore".I finally got error and ink to let me talk to fresh.Fresh sat in my lap still crying "fresh are you upset that I won't marry you?" I said "I was thinking u didn't wuv me" "awww,Fresh what would make you think that" "you wouldn't marry me" "marriage isn't important if we both love each other"."You wuv me?" "What kinda question is that of course I do!" You hugged him
What a little cutie!

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