Undertale sans x bendy female reader

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(This is a special chapter at the end I'll have some tags so enjoy)
You sadly looked at Boris..Joey killed him and you made him pay but it was so quiet..lonely..Boris always brought light into a dark room but now this building is nothing but ink,madness,and torture."Hey Boris..things been going well..I'm so close to bringing you back I promise I will and we'll be happy again Joey won't get you nobody will hurt me or you forever!".You heard a door open and two voices it sounds like..Henry and somebody else You quickly wiped off your ink that always covered your eyes and smiled you Ran to the voices and hid "so this is an animation place?" "Y-yes we're working on a c-cartoon bendy is our main project but we call her y/n but her real name is bendy so she's somewhere she hides a lot I gotta go goodbye good luck!" Henry ran out "heh he's still scared" you whispered.The ink started to cover your eyes and your h/c turned black due to the ink you walked behind the man who looked like he was wearing a blue hoodie? You shook it off and hissed he turned around and you teleported away 'what is this? He isn't human?!".You kept messing with him you heard him walk into the project room you appeared behind him with a knife you raised it up above your head you brought it down but he turned around.You saw a picture of him and what looks like his brother fall out of his pocket you stopped your black hair shadowed your eyes it slowly started to turn back to h/c and the ink covering your eyes disappeared you dropped the knife and ran away to boris's room "wait!"."Boris! What do I do?! He isn't human I need one more human?! But he isn't!!! I need you back Boris I need you!! But I can't cause Joey took your heart!?" You cried ink tears as you stared at Boris you looked at the large cut that showed his rib cage."Hey are you bendy?" Your eyes widened and you turned around "who told you?" "That Henry fellow" 'of course'."Did he tell you anything else!? About a jar?! What do you know!?" You looked desperate for an answer."He didn't tell me anything else only explained about you why?" 'I can't help him can I? I b-broke my promise' you fell to the floor on your knees you started crying ink tears and your hair turned black again "My friend b-Boris the old animator j-Joey killed him and took his soul or heart if you want to call it that and hid it somewhere and hid it in a jar I've been killing all the humans who came here and tried to leave I broke my promise to Boris I'll never see him ever again"."I can do something" you heard the man say you looked up at him in shock "Wh-what?" "I'm not human I'm monster I have magic to do so to help your friend" you looked at Boris and looked back at the man "please do anything you can do but he's not leaving here so you need to do it in here".He walked in the room and you walked out just to look for something that Boris owned,"it has to be somewhere...oh! There it is!" You found Boris's old banjo he would always play it when you needed to start the show.You walked into boris's room and almost dropped his banjo you saw Borris alive his scar is gone alive and walking "Boris!" You hugged him "hey bendy how have you been!" "I'm amazing your finally back!" You looked to the man and walked up to him "what's your name?" "Sans" "thank you sans really for everything" you kissed his cheek and ran back to Borris to give him his banjo.
------------------the end-------------------
So I got tagged and I'm going to tag a few people here
I couldn't name all the people who I follow and are very awesome and cool but you all are amazing! And cool!

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