Us papyrus x red eyed reader

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(It's like the comic above does not belong to me but the creator enjoy the story😋 and your pacifist not genocide!)
You had fallen in the underground a month ago you met everyone and made friends with everyone no one saw your eyes which were covered by your bangs.You always wore black ripped jeans brown boots and f/c sweater with s/f/c stripes.You were hanging out with sans but accidentally tripped and knocked you both over to the floor "sorry!" You said "IT'S OK HUMAN!BUT YOU COULD PROBABLY SEE BETTER WITHOUT YOUR BANGS!".You had to go to toriel's castle for something and told papyrus and sans to wait when you get back you made it to the Castle and greeted toriel "Umm toriel could you umm c-cut my bangs please?" "Of course my child! I'd love to follow me"."Ok a few snips here and there and...there! All done! Your eyes are beautiful my child" you looked in the mirror all of the insults from the people on the surface played in your head "...its me" you smiled.You made it back home and showed the skele-bro's "YOUR EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL HUMAN!!" Sans hugged you and went to the kitchen to make dinner,Paps walked up to you and grabbed your chin making you face him he kissed your lips and pulled away "your eyes are very beautiful y/n I love you" he kissed your cheek chuckling as you blushed pink."I love you too"

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