May i have this dance? Dancetale sans x reader

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You were  preforming at an audition when you got the wrong footing and broke your leg that's how you ended up in the hospital this was a week after monsters left the underground and lived with the humans the humans were not happy with this they were racist to the monsters.And what surprised you was that the monsters loved to Dance more then the humans
You were broke from your thoughts when a nurse walked into your room and said "ms.l/n ( l/n means last name) someone's here to see you" she smiled.And left someone walked into your room and smiled it was your cousin Sebastian (if that's not your cousins name you can just say it's your cousins real name) "hey y/n long time no see how have you been expect the broken leg thing heh" he said walking up right next to you and ruffling your h/c hair "I've been good" you said fixing your hair "well I'm going to take you to my house so you can live with me and we're going to stop by your dance studio so you can get your stuff and tell your teacher your not going to come to class for 6 to 8 weeks so your leg can heal." you nodded your head and grabbed your crutches so you won't walk on your injured leg you grabbed your black hoodie and f/c converse and your red duffle bag and walked with your cousin to his car he opened the passenger seat door for you and you got in and he put your crutches in the back."ready?" Your cousin asked "yep"
~time skip to the dance studio~
You opened the car door and grabbed your crutches from the back you and your cousin walked into the dance studio "ok you go get your stuff and I'll go talk to your teacher".he ruffled your hair and walked to your class you headed to your locker you opened it and grabbed your tutu,ballet shoes,  and etc. and put it all in your duffle bag and closed your locker you started heading to the door but you bumped into someone and dropped your crutches and fell with an "oof" "oops sorry kiddo you ok?". You looked up to see a skeleton holding his hand out to help you up you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up off the ground and he picked up your crutches "hey I'm sans the skeleton what's your name?".He asked as he handed you your crutches "y/n l/n" you said "wait y/n i heard a lot of people here say your the best dancer here" you nodded your head.
"Hey wanna go somewhere we can talk get to know each other a little better?"
"Umm...s-sure" you said he put his hands out towards you and you grabbed his skeleton hand "close your eyes" you nodded and closed your eyes.
"Ok you can open them now" you opened your eyes to be met with a beach the sun was setting making it orange and red some the water looked pink and purple and birds were black making them look like shadows.You were cut from your thoughts when sans sat down and brought you with him he was still holding your hand you looked at the water the sun shined in your eyes making them sparkle.Sans looked at your sparkling eyes in a trance there was silence for a few minutes till sans asked "what happened with your leg?"
You answered "messed up footing" sans sighed blushing a blue hue and turned to you and said "I honestly haven't danced in a long time during when we were in the underground I was depressed and scared that the human that fell down would kill everyone and everything since then I haven't danced for at all but when we left the underground I saw you at the dance studio you inspired me to dance again so what I'm saying y/n is that you are my world" he kissed you and he whispered against your lips "may I have this dance?"

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