Underswap sans x reader A cute love

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It has been a month since monsters left the underground and you had met two skeletons named sans and papyrus papyrus was lazy and like puns,sans was the complete opposite of papyrus he was cute excited and always was kinda loud but that's what made you think he was cute.But sans was kinda sad why? Well the royal guard disbanded and he's been upset ever since so asked pap if it was ok if you do a little something for him.Paps was happy you were going to help his brother so he completely said it was ok you knocked on san's bedroom door there was silence until you heard a muffled "come in".you opened the door to see sans on his bed knees to his chest and he was hugging his legs looking down with broken hearts for his pupils
"Hey sans" you sat next to him "hello human" it was silent for a few minutes. until you said "I heard you've been kinda down lately and I was thinking how bout I try to make you happy" Sans was quiet for a few seconds till he said "human I'm not sad because of the Royal guard disbanding it's just I'm nervous about something".you raised and eyebrow "what's making you nervous" "THIS!!!" He slammed his teeth on to your lips his pupils turning into hearts you blushed full on red and him blue he closed his eye sockets and you closed your eyes and kissed him back he pulled back and hugged you tight "HUMAN GO ON A DATE WITH ME!!!" He yelled happy.you chuckled and said "sure" and kissed his cheekbones he gasped happily and ran out of the room yelling "PAPY IT WORKED SHE/HE SAID YES"."good job bro",you giggled

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