Swapfell sans x depressed imsomnia reader

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You were laying on your bed headphones on your ears playing pit of vipers from Simon Curtis.You have been depressed and have had insomnia ever since you were little.You fallen down in the underground when you were running from a bully who was black mailing you.You always wore a green thick hoodie brown shorts and short black boots,You only wore the hoodie to cover your red t-shirt which was covering your bruises,scars,cuts,from the bullies and a lot of self inflicted scars and cuts.You lived with sans and papyrus,You wanted to go to waterfall so you headed out of the house.And started walking to waterfall you pulled out your headphones and put them on so you can finish out of vipers as the song ended you made it to waterfall.You went into a cave that had a view of the waterfall and a little echo flower in the middle,You sat down on the ground looking at the waterfall.All of the insults,threats,and swears that the surface called you.You teared up and started to cry silently "Why me? Why was I the one to be judged and picked on just...I wish..they would stop".You finally went home to fix up a very deep scar that just opened up.
Sans p.o.v
I walked down waterfall to look for the human there was something I had to confess to them I'm in love with them and was going to tell her how I felt.I continued to walk until I heard a very soft whisper in the cave I looked around.Finally seeing the echo flower in the middle of the cave I walked up to it,bent down and listened closely "why me? Why was I the one to be judged and picked on just...I wish..they would stop".My eyes widened and my pupils disappeared it.was...y/n's voice I teleported to the house and got in front of her room I knocked on the door hearing a draw slam shut and footsteps."Oh,hey sans what do you ne-!!" I cut her off slamming her to the wall shutting the door "I heard what the echo flower said..lift up your sleeves" I demanded she did as I said showing me the scars and cuts and what those little brats did to her.I place my hands on her arms tracing and rubbing my hands up and down her arm."I've had this feeling..y/n for a long time..I love you a lot so I promise if I see those brats up there on the surface I will show them a great time" I whispered against her neck I pressed my teeth on her lips.She kissed back "I-i l-love you t-too" she said I chuckled picking her up like a bride I put her on her bed and cuddled her as she cuddled back "I love you kitten~"
"Love y-you too"

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