Cat sans x Child reader

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(Sans will look like this in the story no smile cause it look creepy)
You woke up on your piece of cardboard you didn't have a family so you lived in an abandoned motel you live in one of the apartments you only stayed there to survive.You only wore a f/c t-shirt and shorts but no shoes you always had your h/l h/c down you had no money but you knew two monsters who would give you food cause they were worried and cared for your well being.Monsters were freed from the underground a week ago so there were a lot around the streets.You broke out of your thoughts and got up your f/c t-shirt and shorts on and your hair down you walked out of your apartment and walked out of the motel.You walked down the street getting a few looks from human adults and monsters of course you'll get stared at a child walking alone on the streets bare foot and only a t-shirt and shorts.You made it to your destination you walked inside and sat on the bar stool "Oh, hello again y/n how are you?" Grillby asked you "I'm fine sir" you said as you smiled your cute child smile "that's good to hear do want something?" "Just fries please".Grillby chuckled and ruffled your hair "ok I'll be right back"
He came back with your fries and handed them to you "there you go" "thank you" you walked out of the building you looked in the bag that held your food and saw he put a burger in there with your fries.You turned the corner down an alleyway where the motel is and heard a yowl 'what? Was that?' You walked to the noise but what you saw surprised you.A cat with white and blue stripes and a blue hoodie with what looks to be a broken leg "oh do you need help?" You bent down towards the cat to pick him up but he just growled a little in pain and warning."It's ok I won't hurt you I just want to help" you finally picked him up and brought him to the motel you opened the door and kicked it shut with your foot. "I'm sorry if this is bad" you said to him you got to your room and put him on the piece of cardboard you got bandages and a little cast.You finally fixed him up he looked around your room with a worried look he got up off the cardboard and got onto your lap and nuzzled your cheek."It's like you can read my head can't ya?" You chuckled and petted his ear "i think I like you" you said

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