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Art was something a lot of people took for granted. They thought of art as drawing on a piece of paper or painting something random that somehow turned out decent enough to be called art. Those who did appreciate art though, often overlooked the stories behind art; what gave the artists their inspiration for their works. 

Jimin had been one of those people who loved art, he loved everything about art. He had bought paintings to hang up around his small apartment, even had a few works of art of his own scattered around his work room. He absolutely loved to draw and paint, anything that could be of use to get emotions out in a positive and relaxing way.

You see, Jimin had always been one of those kids that were stereotyped the moment they went into high school. For him, it wasn't the typical "playboy" or "loner." No, he was labeled as the "art boy" since all he did was ever draw or paint. He never talked much to others in school, he was too focused on his studies and creating his own works of art. That made him a target for people to harass him.

Jimin never minded the words people would say to him, he kind of just brushed it off until the harassment grew physical. He would sometimes get a punch of two in the gut by one of the popular kids, yet he never showed his pain in front of them. He allowed their actions to happen, as he thought it was a way to release their pent-up anger. That being said, it never stopped the boy from feeling hurt and somewhat worthless in himself as the words grew harsher and the hits became harder. 

That's when art became his only real escape. He wanted to talk to his mom about everything that was going on, but was too embarrassed to say anything to her, even to his dad. So, to let out all of his emotions, the boy did the only thing he knew how to do to release his emotions; draw.

He would spend hours upon hours just sitting up in his room, drawing god knows what, just to get his emotions out. He would shed the occasional tear or two while letting out his emotions, but most of them were released - and seen - through the many drawings the boy created. One of his more in depth and emotional drawings the boy made was of him, laying underneath a darkened cloud that had the sun barely peeking through.

The sun represented a sign of hope for him, that there will be good days ahead. Not all days are bad and all of the harassment would end eventually. And it did, as soon as he got out of high school. 

Jimin moved to Seoul about a year after he graduated high school and got a job at a small art shop across from his apartment. The shop had hundreds of creations ranging from famous artists to under-appreciated and unknown artists. He loved working at the shop, it was a day full of wonder and looking at the beauty of what artists were feeling at the time they created a certain thing. He loved the raw emotions some would give.

Jimin loved art, all he needed was himself and art. And his family, but they were all the way back in Busan while he was in Seoul. That's when all he needed was himself and his paintings, nobody and nothing else. He was fine with having the solitude and only himself, he didn't want or need anyone else in his life.

That is, until he hears the beautiful sounds of someone playing the piano at the next store over.

+ note ; someone take wattpad away from me, it seems i can't keep a fic for more than five chapters. but like i really want this to last bc this one is gonna be deep and hopefully good. :c

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