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The following morning, Jimin was awoken early by a call from his boss. Turns out they were able to get rid of all the snow piled up in front of the art shop so Jimin was able to head back to work, something he was more than excited for. He rushed around to dress himself and get around before heading to the shop, arriving at eleven sharp. By then, all of the shops on the art strip were opened, some already booming with customers.

Jimin, on the other hand, was left with no business. That didn't seem to phase him much, since he was too focused on the art that surrounded him. All of the portraits around him were enough to make his day semi-complete, even without customers. He figured, as long as there was one person who appreciated art the way it was supposed to be appreciated, he was fine. All he needed were the portraits and himself, nothing else.

Well, maybe there was one more thing.

"Business slow today?" A voice asked, causing the brunette to lift his gaze. As soon as he caught sight of the person entering the store, his lips curved up in a grin. Then, they turned back to a frown at the realization of what the boy asked.

"Always is, Yoongi hyung," Jimin sighed, hunching over the counter. He rested his elbows on the counter and laid his chin in his hands, sighing aloud. "I just don't get it."

Yoongi rose an eyebrow as he approached the brunette at his place behind the counter. He hunched himself over as well and propped his elbows in the same position as Jimin's, laying his chin in the palms of his hands as well. They were at a pretty close proximity, yet the brunette was unfazed by his hyung's actions, although the confusion on Yoongi's face didn't go unnoticed by the boy.

"What don't you get, Jiminie?" He asked, ever-so-slightly inching himself closer to Jimin.

Jimin squished his cheeks together with his hands before letting out an exasperated sigh, finding himself inching closer to the ravenette, leaving a few inches between their faces. "It's just-" he sighed once more, "-art is something people tend to take for granted. I don't understand why, it's beautiful."

Yoongi - unintentionally - inched his face closer to Jimin's before speaking. "Probably because people are too fucking stupid to look at the beauty behind the art," the ravenette mumbled, inching his face closer to the brunette.

Neither had intended on getting closer and closer as they spoke, it just happened. There was only a mere inch or two separating the proximity of their faces, yet neither seemed to pay attention to that. Jimin, who had started off talking about art, found himself lost in the chocolate brown eyes of his hyung. He felt like he had been lost in some trance, he almost completely forgot that he was working in the art shop - which was a public place. He nearly forgot everything; everything excluding the raven haired boy whose face was an inch away from his.

Jimin took their close proximity as an excuse to get a better look at the ravenette. He was able to see the littlest things on the older boy's face that he hadn't seen before. An example would be the little blemish on the side of his nose, that almost didn't appear visible unless you looked close enough. He also noticed how extremely attractive the older boy was, something he had only thought of twice. He hadn't been close enough to the ravenette to see how attractive he really was, but being that he was, he was amazed by the beauty that was Min Yoongi.

"Hey Jiminie?" Yoongi asked, not breaking the eye contact the two were sharing.

Jimin hummed in response.

"You know how you are mesmerized by the beauty of art?" 

Jimin hummed in response, again.

"Well, I think I found a new piece of art that has a beauty that can outshine those of all the portraits in this stop," the ravenette spoke, his lips curving upwards to form a very faint - and awkward looking - smile. 

Jimin cocked his head to the left in slight confusion, not understanding what art the ravenette was talking about. "What do you mean, hyung?"

Yoongi inching himself closer to the brunette, leaving but a few centimeters separating their lips from each other.  "You're the most beautiful piece of art in this shop, Park Jimin," the ravenette mumbled, his lips ghosting against the younger boy's.

Neither one moved any closer after that, they just stood there in a complete silence, gazing into each other's eyes. A million thoughts were running throughout Jimin's mind, part of him telling him to back away from their close proximity and another part of him saying to close the gap between the two. He didn't know what exactly to follow, being he had only two kisses throughout his lifetime - that weren't from his parents - and the fact he and Yoongi were only the slightest bit of friends. Yoongi, also, was having an inner battle with himself. He wanted to grab the brunette by his wrists and pull him in for a kiss, yet he didn't want to rush anything between the two. After all, Jimin just started getting comfortable around the ravenette a few days ago and he didn't want to ruin anything between them.

That being said, Yoongi was very tempted at the moment. With Jimin's lips that looked extremely soft, his cheeks slightly chubby from the way he was leaning the against his palms, everything about the beauty and art of Jimin had captured Yoongi and all he wanted to do at that very moment was to kiss him. 


Before the older boy could even finish his sentence, Jimin closed the gap between the two and pressed his lips against Yoongi's very gently. Yoongi was quick to react and removed one his hands from his chin to cup the brunette by his neck and pull him as close as he could - since the counter was still in their way. Their lips seemed to mold together with every sweet and gentle kiss shared between the two, them being lost in their own little world that they created, together.

When Jimin pulled away, his lips were slightly swollen, his heart pounding inside his chest. He had never felt something like that throughout his life, he never had his heart beat that wildly from a few kisses. His mind was racing a mile a minute, tons of questions popping into his mind, all going back to ' why did you actually do that? ' Jimin had no clue as to what caused him to kiss Yoongi, but he was partially thankful for it.

"Jiminie, I-" the ravenette leaned his forehead against the brunette's and kept his hand firmly on the side of the brunette's neck. "I know this may be sudden and out of the blue but I was wondering if you'd like to um- go out on a date with me?"

Then there was silence, Jimin hadn't responded to the ravenette and Yoongi was starting to get confused.

"I can't- we barely know each other and-"

"Give me a chance, okay?" Yoongi sighed, partially in frustration and partially in hurt. "We don't have to get into a relationship right away, we can just go on a date or start dating and just learn more on the way," he closed his eyes, sighing to try and relax himself a bit more. "Please Jiminie, don't I deserve a chance?"

Yoongi re-opened his eyes, only to find Jimin's gaze focused anywhere but on him. That was already a bad sign, he knew that from past experiences. He sighed, letting go of the brunette's neck and turning to walk away. He kept on a stoic expression on his face as he turned around and walked out of the shop.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi hyung."

+ note ; i don't update for a week and come back with a yoonmin kiss + angst. wey hey idk where this story is going so please bare with me

oh and i have a taekook smut fic out, feel free to read it if you'd like


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